Customers: Redcenter Moscow; Information technology Product: WinPeak CRMProject date: 2007/09
The RedLab company rendering complex services in information technology field implemented a customer relationship management system on the basis of the solution WinPeak CRM.
The possibility of completion of data structures and functionality of a CRM product under requirements of the company were the main selection terms of a CRM product; ability to integrate with the available information system on the basis of Lotus Notes; presence of a product in the market and existence of the qualified support at the level of the system developer.
Full-scale system implementation in all departments and branches of the company was begun after "pilot" operation of the solution in one of structural divisions. Within an implementation project modules of sales management, the reporting were finished, role access for users to functions of a system and to information was configured.
Implementation of the CRM solution allowed to automate processes of marketing, sales, service, in general to increase transparency and controllability of the company. A system became the tool for process control of deduction of the available clients and attraction new.
According to the customer, creation of the uniform customer base within all company and automation on its basis of business chains allowed to consider activity of the enterprise by processes, but not separate departments. In particular, there was an opportunity to implement cross-sellings, to perform complex procedures of sales and service.
Further it is going to expand functionality of a system and, in particular, to implement special modules for training center of the customer.