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Customers: IT Service Retail & Banking (IT Retail SERVICE of Enda Banquing)

Moscow; Consulting, including managerial and personnel

Product: Call Center Infinity

Project date: 2013/01

The IT SERVICE RETAIL AND BANKING company since 2004 develops and implements complete solutions on control automation by a cash turnover, to supply of equipment, service maintenance of the enterprises of a banking and oil and gas sector, the trading, mail, aircraft and collector companies.

Enter the range of the equipment supplied by the company: the automated deposit machines, fiscal registrars, POS terminals, mobile cash desks and other systems for trade automation.

One of the most important competitive advantages of IT SERVICE RETAIL AND BANKING company is the service direction. For successful work in the market the company continuously improves service quality of the clients. An important role in it is played by own Call center of processing of telephone addresses.

Till 2013 as the main platform for work with external telephone addresses the Nortel BCM 400 system installed at head office was used. However at the end of 2012 the company management made the decision on need of upgrade of internal telephone infrastructure of Call center.

"This step was caused by several factors: first, our company constantly develops in this connection there was a need for operational making changes for setup of automatic telephone exchange — for example, an opportunity to configure the voice menu (IVR). Secondly, the reporting provided in the previous system ceased to satisfy to the growing requirements of the company. We had a need for a large number the built-in automatic reports and a possibility of creation of new. And, thirdly, the number of our clients significantly increased, and the previous station just ceased to cope with number of subscribers. Having carried out market research, we stopped the choice on the Infinity system, from the Russian developer of Weathervane Sale company as winner on a ratio the price quality" — comments Pavel Isaykin.

Implementation of a new system was carried out in three days: within two working days engineers configured server and client parts of Infinity, and in the day off the old automatic telephone exchange was dismantled, and the new Call center is started up in operation.

"A year later after implementation of the new Infinity system, we can note success of this project with confidence. Thanks to Infinity, work of operators and call center, in general, became more transparent — we received full control and statistics for the analysis and improvement of customer service quality at the expense of what waiting time of subscribers in queue decreased, and the quantity of the passed calls decreased. All this, certainly, positively affected loyalty of our clients", – Pavel Isaykin noted