The name of the base system (platform): | OpenStack |
Developers: | Hewlett-Packard (HP) |
Technology: | Cybersecurity - Means of enciphering |
The HP company announced in April, 2014 that the European Commission selected it as the coordinator of the project of the Coco cloud environment (confidential and compliant), which purpose — to help the European users safely to exchange data. The project is sponsored on grant No. 610853 issued within the Seventh Framework Programme program (FP7/2007-2013) of the European Union.
The Coco Cloud project implemented within the strategy of the EU on formation of European Single Market of cloud computing will provide flexible legally legal environment for safe data exchange between end users in a cloud.
"Our purpose — to lay the foundation for new model of interaction in a cloud — Jakub Boratynski, the head of department of Trust and Security Unit within the DG CONNECT program of European Commission says. — It will allow to overcome legal and legal disagreements between EU member states and to create the unified protected environment for exchange of confidential data. Today users trust "clouds" more and more, use cloud services more and more actively that, certainly, favors to development of digital economy of the 21st century".
Under the direction of HP the consortium Coco Cloud will create comprehensively protected cloud platform which will integrate data warehouses, the user devices (both mobile, and stationary) in the unified environment working at a basis of accurately registered rules of storage to data and exchange as them. Besides, this project will help to activate dialog between suppliers and users of cloud mobile services.
In addition to the HP company acting as the coordinator and the main integrator the scientific and academic organizations (for example, the Italian National Research Council, the University of Oslo and Imperial College London) and also industry partners, such as Atos, Agenzia per l'Italia Digitale (AGID) and Grupo Hospitalario Quirón participate in the Coco Cloud project. Specialists of the University of Oslo and Bird&Bird company will be engaged in settlement of the legal and legal issues connected with harmonization the politician of the different countries.
To accelerate delivery of services, to reduce operational risks and to optimize loadings at different suppliers of cloud services, the Coco Cloud project will be placed on the flexible, open protected CloudOS HP platform on the basis of OpenStack technology.
"The Coco Cloud project will help to overcome restrictions of the modern technologies available in the market, and finally to satisfy the growing need for more reliable data protection for a cloud — Xavier Poisson to Xavier Poisson Gouyou Beauchamps, the vice president of HP of Cloud EMEA is sure. — From 75 projects in the field of data protection sent to European Commission only 12 it was approved. Coco Cloud — among them".