Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Bank of Moscow implements the system of access and control of Internet traffic

Customers: BM-Bank Russia

Moscow; Financial services, investments and auditing

Contractors: I-Teco (iTeco)
Product: McAfee Web Gateway

Project date: 2014/02  - 2014/03


On April 2, 2014 the I-Teco company announced an implementation project of an end-to-end system of access and control of Internet traffic on the McAfee Web Gateway platform in Bank of Moscow.

Project Tasks

"Due to the identification of incidents of information security the task, rather difficult and relevant for business, – to provide protection of user data and corporate resources of bank from threats and different malware during Internet access was set for us, – Denis Antonov, the head of department of protection of telecommunication systems of Bank of Moscow noted. – To perform work we selected a modern effective remedy of security of McAfee Web Gateway and the reliable contractor on behalf of I-Teco company, extensive experience and which qualification of specialists guarantee the highest quality of the unrolled solution".

Project Progress

Experts of I-Teco, having acquired the right to execution of works as a result of tender, created an information system for secure access to the Internet to users of Bank of Moscow. During the project with use of the solution McAfee Web Gateway effective multilayer protection of web traffic is organized: when processing user queries the analysis of the pages permitted to viewing for the purpose of check not only their contents, but also the active code which is in them is made. The implemented complex combines locally unrolled and cloud security aids of corporate resources of bank.

Training of profile specialists of the customer is provided, technical support and maintenance of the equipment and the software are provided.

Project Results

For April 2, 2014 the information system is transferred to the operation mode, users of Bank of Moscow had an opportunity to visit necessary pages without risk of infection of the computer with a virus or hit on the harmful website. Additional setup of lists of the approved categories of resources allowed bank to reduce inappropriate use of the Internet considerably.

"In only two and a half months the project team of department of information security of I-Teco with active support of experts of McAfee and participation of specialists of the customer coped with assigned tasks, having implemented traffic observation when using "World Wide Web" within capital divisions and regional branch of bank of Moscow, – Andrey Shamayev, the director of business development of I-Teco company told. – Results of joint work allow to speak about further cooperation increase with bank, including opportunities of implementation of perspective technologies from McAfee company".