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Баннер в шапке 2

The Expert Multimit

Developers: Fudsoft
Date of the premiere of the system: 2009
Last Release Date: 04.2014
Branches: Food industry
Technology: Accounting systems


"the expert Multimit" is the specialized software package intended for the solution of a broad spectrum of technology and accounting tasks at the enterprises of meat and fishing industry.

The program consists of basic and five add-on software modules which can work both together, and independently of each other.

The Multimit Expert PC is developed with direct participation of the leading Russian scientists and experts in the field of modeling of compoundings of foodstuff and automation of the meat-processing enterprises, in particular professor, of technical N of Krasul O.N.; to. technical N Tokarev A.V.; professor, physical. - a mat. N Krasnov A.E.; professor, of technical N. V.I. carps, etc.

Software module Basic

Appointment: performs maintaining the register of normative, operational (workers), the approved compoundings meat, fish and sausages; executes calculation of base characteristics of a compounding of a product (figures of merit: protein content, fat, carbohydrates, moisture, power value, pH and so forth; exit of a ready-made product; calculation of an amount of water on hydration of ingredients of a compounding; calculation of coefficient of water deduction of forcemeat; rheological analysis of raw smoked sausages and mn. other); helps to solve the technology problems of production connected with quality and the price of a product; executes complete accounting of warehouse transactions; makes calculation of economic indicators of the made products.

Main Functions:

  • maintaining register of normative (basic) compoundings of meat, sausage and fish products: for each compounding a set of ingredients, normative figures of merit, a product yield, the regulating document, auxiliary materials are specified;
  • creation of operational (workers) compoundings based on normative and their correction;
  • creation of the approved compoundings based on normative and operational;
  • graphic analytics of compoundings by different criteria;
  • calculation of an exit of finished goods;
  • calculation of coefficient of water deduction of forcemeat (use of this parameter allows to predict a possibility of formation of technology defect at a modeling stage);
  • calculation of amount of ingredients of a compounding according to development and a batch (on all forcemeat, on the main raw materials);
  • measure calculation of quality of forcemeat and ready-made product (protein content, fat, moisture, carbohydrates, power value, indicator of active acidity of pH, ultimate stress of shift of forcemeat, amino-acid structure, etc.). When calculating values of a number of indicators losses are considered (thermolosses, losses when drying, other losses);
  • formation of blinds - mixes of ingredients, uniform forcemeat, emulsions of which the ready-made product can consist;
  • inclusion of blinds in ingrediyentny structure of a compounding;
  • control in a ready-made product compliance of measure values of quality to regulatory requirements;
  • calculation of economic indicators (cost value, profitability, selling price and so forth);
  • calculation of an amount of water on hydration of ingredients of a compounding, such, as: hydrocolloids, animal and vegetable proteins, etc.;
  • automatic formation of alternative compoundings of a product from the list of approved;
  • the functions for an inventory control implemented in the program allow:
  • create any warehouse(s) of the enterprise for complexity structure (a warehouse the refrigerator, a warehouse of spices, a warehouse vspomog. materials, etc.);
  • keep account of arrival and a consumption of raw materials in a warehouse by on its batches (date of a receipt/expense, the price, the supplier/receiver and so forth);
  • on each batch of a receipt/consumption of raw materials to specify justification;
  • obtain summary information on the general remaining balance of raw materials in a warehouse and its price;
  • to quickly obtain information on raw materials which stock remainders are lower than the set minimum, for control over the inventory level and timely orders;
  • specify the actual measure values of quality of raw materials;
  • use different price types (the actual price, wholesale, planned, roznichy, etc.);
  • obtain the unrolled information about the movement of raw materials on a warehouse;
  • move batches between warehouses and their divisions;
  • integrate batches from different warehouses in one batch;
  • compare warehouses among themselves on remaining balance and cost of raw materials (allows to react quickly to problems with "transparency" of receipt and a consumption of raw materials in a warehouse);
  • keep account of raw materials in different units of measure and currency;
  • keep account of distribution of raw costs according to the works order;
  • conduct a card file of suppliers and receivers of raw materials;
  • recalculation of economic indicators of a compounding of a product (cost values, profitability, otp. the prices and so forth) at the relevant prices of raw materials in a warehouse;
  • rheological analysis of a compounding of forcemeat of raw smoked sausages;
  • formation of printed forms and reports with an opportunity their preserving in the format MS Word, MS Excel, PDF and so forth;
  • integration into managerial and accounting programs (1C: Enterprise, Galaktika, PS "Octopus", Navision Axapta, etc.);
  • interactive exchange of compoundings through XML files;
  • the prescription filter – search of compoundings in archive of compoundings according to the set criteria (on ingrediyentny structure, belonging to classification group, the regulating document, taking into account the price and grade, etc.);
  • differentiation of access rights - formation of users and management of their access rights to separate modules to ifunktion of a software package.

Software module "Slaughter of the cattle"

Appointment: it is intended for operational accounting, control and process automation of supply of meat-processing plant and also slaughter and processing of the cattle. Provides layer management of lethal workshop of the meat-processing enterprise or a hladoboyna, performs identification and traceability of batches of meat raw materials.

Main Functions:

  • control of acceptance of animals and accounting of losses at their transportation;
  • classification of animals;
  • automatic control of time of the precrushing contents of animals and their slaughter, slaughter planning;
  • formation of a task for slaughter of batches of the cattle;
  • accounting of products of slaughter of the cattle, proceeding from a species of an animal and his fatness;
  • use of the actual exits at slaughter of the cattle;
  • calculation of an exit and cost of the main raw materials and offal received from slaughter of the cattle taking into account normative and actual indicators;
  • automatic formation of the magazine of slaughter of the cattle where on days of the week "history" of process of slaughter of the cattle is conducted;
  • the analysis of the actual and normative amount of the main raw materials and the offal received from slaughter of the cattle, taking into account quantity working and labor costs;
  • veterinary control of raw materials and determination of a type of defects;
  • the analysis of veterinary defects by on specific suppliers;
  • formation of printed forms and reports.

Software module "Boning and trimming of meat of animals and bird"

Appointment: it is intended for operational accounting, control and process automation of cutting of meat of animals and a bird. Provides layer management of workshop of a boning and trimming of the meat-processing enterprise.

Main Functions:

  • formation of a task for a boning and trimming of meat;
  • according to a task for cutting to execute a boning and trimming of meat on sorts, proceeding from a species of an animal and his fatness;
  • use of the actual exits at a boning and trimming of meat;
  • calculation of an exit of the raw materials and its price received from a boning and trimming, both on normative, and on the actual values of the analyzed indicators;
  • automatic formation of magazines of a boning and trimming of meat where on days of the week "history" of process of cutting of meat is conducted;
  • the analysis of the actual and normative amount of the raw materials received from a boning and trimming of meat (by on the working boners and trimmers of meat);
  • automatic fixation of the movement of the raw materials in a warehouse directed to a boning and trimming;
  • formation of printed forms and reports.

Software module "Optimization and modeling of compoundings"

Appointment: optimization and modeling of compoundings of meat, sausage and fish products of the set quality at the enterprises of meat and fishing industry in the conditions of instability of quality of initial raw materials and ingredients.

From available raw materials the program provides such compounding of a product in which, on the one hand, its quality conforms to requirements imposed to it, and on the other hand – its price is minimized. As shows experience of commercial operation, application of this software module allows to reduce product cost at least by 5-10%.

Main Functions:

  • optimization and modeling of compoundings of meat, sausage and fish products, taking into account physical and chemical, functional and technology and structural mechanical properties of ingredients and also factors of information uncertainty (unstable quality of initial raw materials and ingredients), for the purpose of product receipt of the set quality at the minimum cost value;
  • modeling of new products with the set consumer characteristics and the minimum cost value in real time, including, and for baby food;
  • determination of optimal "substitutes" for compounding ingredients taking into account their properties and cost;
  • calculation of coefficient of water deduction of forcemeat (use of this parameter allows to predict a possibility of formation of technology defect at a modeling stage);
  • compliance of products on organoleptic an indicator (consistence, appearance, color, taste);
  • ensuring stability of farshevy emulsions;
  • by optimization of compoundings the moisture-holding and water connecting capabilities of ingredients and also level of acid activity pH are considered;
  • calculation of pH of forcemeat;
  • recommendations about use of ingredients of a different type;
  • control over admissible keeping of certain groups of ingredients in a compounding;
  • calculation of quantity of a process water (ice) in a product compounding taking into account the functional and technology, structural and mechanical and physical and chemical properties which are its part of ingredients;
  • calculation of an amount of water on hydration of ingredients of a compounding taking into account their value of coefficient of hydration;
  • optimization of a compounding taking into account losses (thermoloss, loss when drying, other losses);
  • comparison of the control (basic) and pilot (corrected) compounding among themselves by different criteria (ingrediyentny structure, figures of merit, economic indicators, etc.);
  • determination in a compounding of ingredients, promoting reduction in cost of a product with preserving of its consumer properties;
  • determination of the "problem" (limiting) figures of merit (protein, fat, moisture, pH and so forth), the set requirements to which do not allow to calculate an optimal compounding;
  • formation of printed forms and reports which allow to browse ingrediyentny structure and properties of a compounding, economy and product quality and so forth.

Software module "Expert system of the analysis of quality of compoundings"

Appointment: the expert system implemented in the program analyzes a product compounding, reveals technology problems and offers the technologist of a way for their elimination. In the analysis of a compounding the set of different factors, in particular physical and chemical, functional and technology and structural mechanical properties of its ingredients is considered. Also expert system of the software package "Multimit Expert" executes:

  • The analysis of coefficient of water deduction of forcemeat - use of this parameter allows to predict a possibility of formation of technology defect (for example, bouillon and fatty hypostasis) at a stage of modeling of a compounding and to propose measures for its elimination.
  • Determination of optimal set of corrective actions (nutritional supplements) at a stage of drawing up a compounding of the myasoprodukt, in the presence in it technology defects of raw materials (for example, raw materials with defect of an avtoliz (PSE, RSE, DFD), meat of long storage in the frozen status, with the increased content of fat-containing raw materials, etc.).

Software module "Works order and accounting"

Appointment: allows to organize a common information space for management of different aspects of accounting activity of the meat-processing enterprise, including, to create the works orders (WO), to plan and perform production on alternative compoundings, to make the plan-fact analysis of activity of production, to keep account and quality control of products, to perform planning of purchase of raw materials and mn. other.

Main Functions:

  • formation of the works order and determination of need for raw materials for its execution;
  • correction of production target in real time in case of unexpected failure in production processes or at accomplishment of the urgent order;
  • determination of an optimal compounding from the list approved for each product of the works order, taking into account the current remaining balance and the price of raw materials in a warehouse, profitability and a priority of its production;
  • calculation of amount of ingredients of a compounding of a product taking into account the weight of a tab and quantity of batches;
  • informing the user on a status of the works order (it is executed, planned, cancelled, etc.);
  • formation of the prescription magazine (on days of the week "history" of development of products is conducted);
  • calculation of economic indicators of a product, including, taking into account the actual development;
  • raw materials purchase planning;
  • the plan-fact analysis of the made products;
  • optimization of use of raw materials and materials of the enterprise, due to application, the optimal compoundings calculated in the program that significantly reduces costs on their purchase and increases economic return on each product;
  • canceling of development of products of the works order with recovery of a status of a warehouse on a raw materials remaining balance at the time of sending products of this PZ for development;
  • ensuring execution of the works order in time, in case of unexpected emergence of deficit of one or several ingredients of a basic compounding of a product due to use of its alternative options;
  • formation of printed forms and reports.