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Баннер в шапке 2


Online store of youth designer clothes and accessories. In the directory of shop it is presented the unique author's clothes of the Russian designers, ornament and a bag created in the only option.
Number of employees
2017 year
2 is an informational portal about a street fashion, online store of youth designer clothes and accessories, annual fashionable demonstrations and markets of a street fashion. was created in 2012 in the city of St. Petersburg. Today in it is possible to purchase the exclusive author's clothes of the Russian designers, bright jewelry and jewelry, stylish accessories created in the single copy by fashion-masters. In addition on the portal it is possible to learn the latest news of a street fashion, to get on-line advice of the stylist, to see entertaining copies of clothes and jewelry in casual style, to participate in actions and to receive the sea of discounts, gifts and good mood! Besides, every year carries out fashionable demonstrations and markets of a street fashion: Street Fashion Show and Street Fashion Market.