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2014/04/25 19:42:38

Recommendations about implementation of project management in state authorities

The Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation published in the spring of 2014 the text of methodical recommendations about implementation of project management in state authorities. The contents of documents can be downloaded at the links below. Documents were developed since June, 2013 within activity of Council for implementation of project management in federal executive authorities.


What interesting is in documents[1]:

  • recommendations contain the description of processes of management of projects, and not just recommendations about their implementation
  • 4 levels of management and planning horizons corresponding to them and control are selected. For example, for projects of 1 level (strategic) planning is performed time in 6 years and such projects are controlled at least 1 time a year. "Tactical", "operational" and operational levels are also provided. For projects of the most "younger level" planning is performed for 3 months with control every week
  • there are a specific document and their templates which it is recommended (read it is necessary) to use at project management. For example, in the heading of news the example of the status report of the project is given. There is a method of calculation of indicators
  • the most part of "recommendations" are appendices which standard provisions on management processes and also the dictionary of terms contain. Regulating documents are made competently and intelligibly though all the same there is a lot of "water".

The excerpt from the document devoted to performance indicators of the project and its participant:

2.3.5 At the heart of the system of project motivation key performance indicators on the basis of which coefficients of awarding and the sizes of awards of project participants are calculated are used

2.3.5. Are used with a KPI of 3 types for calculation of coefficients of awarding:

  • Project KPI – defines efficiency of project implementation regarding achievement of project deliverables, quality and timeliness of the achieved project deliverables. The indicator is uniform for all project participants;
  • KPI of the block of actions – defines efficiency of accomplishment of the block of actions regarding achievement of quality and timeliness of results of the block of actions. The indicator is uniform for all contractors of the corresponding block of actions and is unique for all blocks of actions (this level is selected for the largest projects);
  • Individual KPI – defines individual efficiency of project participants regarding quality and timeliness of accomplishment of control events and instructions, efficiency of interaction with other project participants, timeliness of providing the reporting. The indicator is unique for each project participant.

2.3.6. Assessment of KPI of the block of the actions and Individual KPI formulated in the form of qualitative results is performed by the Project manager on the basis of the offers represented by project participants and also other persons.

It is possible to download methodical recommendations about implementation of project management here:
