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Баннер в шапке 2

The southern scientific center RAS was connected to MegaFon

Customers: Southern scientific center RAS

Rostov-on-Don; Science and education

Contractors: MegaFon
Product: Services of telephony and communication

Project date: 2014/04  - 2014/12
Number of licenses: 100

On April 24, 2014 the MegaFon company announced a victory in the tender for provision of services of mobile communication to the Southern scientific center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (YuNTs RAS).

Project Progress

Within cooperation MegaFon will provide connection of 100 sim cards of employees for the Southern scientific center RAS.

"Our activity is connected with frequent trips including within field surveys where reliability of mobile communication has extreme value — Gennady Matishov, the academician, the chairman of the Southern scientific center RAS noted. – Besides we regularly perform the innovative developments, and we consider important to cooperate with the company which well proved in the market of innovations in the field of infokommunikation. Moreover, conditions of cooperation with MegaFon were for us the most profitable".
"We guarantee to the clients personal service and the most comfortable conditions of mobile communication — Marina Chuvichkina, the development director of corporate business of the Caucasian branch of MegaFon emphasized. — Therefore we offered the Southern scientific center tariff plans with communication opportunities without subscription fee and the low cost of a talk in corporate group — from 12 kopeks in a minute".