Customers: Pipe Metallurgic Company-Neftegazservice Nizhnevartovsk Contractors: Ericos Product: 1C: Enterprise 8.2На базе: 1C: Enterprise 8.0 Project date: 2013/07
Number of licenses: 145
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The Following Functions Were Automated
- Purchases (supply) and vendor relationship management
- Settlement with suppliers
- Order placement to suppliers
- Accounting of arrival of Inventories
- Formation of the payment schedule to suppliers
- Different industry specifics
- Production, services
- Raw materials supplied by the customer processing
- Calculation of actual cost
- Data management about structure and structure of a product, a compounding
- The cost accounting on production
- The cost accounting on production (RAUZ)
- Fixed asset accounting, depreciation calculation
- Accounting of production orders
- Accounting of overalls and special equipment
- Accounting of services of production character
- Personnel management and personnel records (HRM)
- Analysis of personnel structure
- Personnel records
- Personnel training
- Planning of employee occupation: holidays and/or other actions
- Personnel recruitment
- Payroll calculation
- The regulated reporting
- Time recording
- Sales management, logistics and transport (SFM, WMS, TMS)
- Sales (sale), service, marketing
- Settlement with buyers
- Wholesale
- Order placement of buyers
- Sales accounting of Inventories
- Formation of the diagram of receipt of payments
- Pricing, price lists
- Warehouse and logistics
- Complete set and disassembling of Inventories
- Reservation of Inventories
- Management of warehouse stocks
- Accounting of Inventories in shop storerooms
- Accounting according to the international and national standards
- Accounting according to international standards
- Accounting according to IFRS
- Finance, management accounting, monitoring of indicators
- Cash management (treasury)
- Management accounting
- Accounting is accounting, tax, budget, including the regulated reporting
- Accounting
- Bank and cash desk
- End of the period
- Fixed assets
- Production operations
- Payroll calculation and personnel records
- Settlings with partners
- The regulated reporting
- Inventory items
- Trade operations
- Tax accounting
Work on the Adaptation of the Standard Solution
Production accounting 1. For accounting of materials to be provided the reference book "Certificates on Materials" is created, details are added to the reference book "Nomenclature". For automatic creation of the nomenclature by "Certificates on materials" the procedure of generation of the nomenclature for a production chain and also generation of characteristics of the nomenclature is developed. Generation of unique extensions of pipes to be provided taking into account alphabetic combinations is implemented. 2. The new document "The Specification to the Agreement" on the basis of which Orders of the buyer, Orders for production, Goods and service receipt form is developed for reflection of data of the specification on the agreement with the Customer. Separate roles for a document access "The specification to the agreement" are configured. A printed form STK Form is developed. 3. Piece accounting of pipes in workshop of isolation by unique numbers is implemented 4. The document "is developed by STK: Release" for data entry on release/defects of products and materials to be provided. 5. Control of compliance of amount of the arrived materials to be provided to the total number of release/shipment/defects/drawing of acts to finished goods from raw materials supplied by the customer by certificates on materials is implemented. 6. Accounting on packets NKT is implemented. 7. For formation of Shipment documents in the document "Broadcast of Goods" the fields containing information on transport (the car, railway), unloading point, the name of a load for printing are added. The procedure of filling of a table part Products of the document "Broadcast of Goods" on finished goods in a warehouse is created, at the same time a remaining balance on reserves in the set warehouse under the specified Order of the buyer is calculated. Processing on filling of a table part Products of the document "Renderings of Services on Processing" is created according to the documents "Broadcast of Goods". 8. The packet of printed forms is developed for shipment of finished goods: The specification on shipment, TTN, M-15 for a corrosion-resistant coating of pipes, M-15 for pumping and compressor pipes, the Admission / back to the admission, the Service provision act, the Accompanying sheet. 9. Reports are developed: The report for providers on processing of APT and NKT, Order portfolio with data output according to the documents "The Specification to the Agreement", "Analysis of the Actual Write-off of Materials in Production", "Report on the Movement of Pipe Products" for Group of sales. 10. A printed form Quality certificate on finished goods is developed (for AKP and NKT) and forms from the created document "The Certificate on a Covering". 11. A printed form "The specification to the agreement of wholesale" is developed for Group of sales.
Financial accounting 1. The mechanism of automatic calculation of terms of receivables and payables, including arrears is implemented. For the analysis of debt the report "The database of accounting on debit, accounts payable (FEU-14)" is created. 2. For simplification of work of users in a subsystem Management of DS: the document "Request for Expenditure of DS" is finished, automatic filling of details according to the supplier order is implemented; external printed form of the request for a funds expenditure on a sample of the organization is developed. 3. The document and a printed form "The register of payments" is developed. 4. Reports are developed: FEU-01 Accomplishment of the plan for cash flow, FEU-06 the Actual receivables and payables, FEU-16 the Operational reference by settlings with buyers on an oilfield service division, FEU-17 the Operational reference by settlings with suppliers, Information on the expected receivables.
Accounting 1. Distribution of production costs in proportion to release in sq.m, taking into account permanent coefficients (time regulation) for each standard size is automated. 2. Distribution of general production and general running costs according to a technique of distribution of cost items is automated. 3. Procedures of document posting regarding accounting on account 003 are changed, the procedure of formation of amount-based assessment in correspondence on sch.003 is finished. 4. For report generation of FEU-07 "Regulations and standards of the current assets advanced in stocks for the period" the reference book "FEU-07 Settings" is created, the document is developed for formation of a remaining balance at the beginning of the period and input of standards. 5. Reports are developed: The register of accounting of direct expenses on production, the Register of accounting of indirect expenses of a current period, Calculation for charge of a reserve on impairment of Inventories, the Certificate of constants and temporary differences, the Sheet on accounting of material cost in operation. 6. Accounting of OS: the Structure of OS tab is added to the reference book "Fixed assets", a printed form of OS-6 is finished, the document "Repair of OS", the register of accumulation Repairs of OS is developed. 7. Accounting according to IFRS: data loading according to OS in an IFRS subsystem is executed, changes are made to the procedure of document posting "Change of parameters of operation of fixed assets (international)", the report "Fixed assets in IFRS" is implemented. 8. The report of "Overalls regulation" on the basis of the standard report "The sheet on materials in operation" with a possibility of the Show Only Discrepancies setup is developed.
Personnel management and payroll calculation 1. The register of data "Data of average earnings" is added. The procedure of automatic filling of the loaded data for the last period for calculation of average earnings is added. 2. For automatic calculation of days of a remaining balance for holidays the following procedure is for the period implemented: at starting the personnel orders "Holidays of the Organization" at first days of the Annual leave, after its complete use of Annual additional are written off. 3. The reference book "Wage grades" taking into account category of payment for one rate and the register of data the Staff list with an output of the rate corresponding to category is finished. 4. The new registers "Regulation of Days for Calculation of SN", "Percent of SN of the Employees Working with Watches" are developed for calculation of the northern allowance (NA). The new document "Calculation of Days for the Northern Allowance" is developed. The procedure of automatic filling of percent of the northern allowance is developed. 5. At acceptance or movement of the employee the procedure of automatic purpose of allowances depending on the selected position – the Northern allowance, Surcharge for harm is implemented. 6. The procedure of automatic creation of the document "Registration of Single Charges" with "Surcharge of overtime works" is implemented. 7. For automatic calculation of reserves for holidays and control it is implemented: The report "Reserves on holidays" for ORP, the report "Accounting of number of vacation days for the period", the Document "Inventory of Reserves on Holidays" for determination of the amount on additional accrual (reversal) of reserves in a current period. 8. For interaction with bank processing on creation of files is implemented: the data on employees for opening of personal accounts given on transfer of salary, data on personal accounts. 9. The Employment contract with automatic filling of data on employees is drafted. 10. "The report on employee transfers of employees" is for the period developed for the analysis of movements of staff of the organization. 11. Reports are developed: The report on absences of employees, Balance of working time of staff of the organization, the Experience of employees for date.
The paid agreement 1C:ITS is issued The Internet version of ITS and Internet services of ITS is used Consultation on methodical questions of work with the program of 1C is performed Individual or group training to work with an information system of ITS is made Setup and check of access to the website of user support is made
Pipe Metallurgic Company NGS-Nizhnevartovsk Ltd is a part of JSC Pipe Metallurgical Co. - the producer, largest in Russia, and the exporter of pipe products, one of leaders of world pipe business. Pipe Metallurgic Company NGS-Nizhnevartovsk Ltd performs activity in the following directions:
- Anticorrosion coating of pipeline pipes, pumping and compressor pipes, shaped products;
- Repair NKT (cleaning of petrodeposits, defectoscopy, cleaning of an internal surface NKT from salt sedimentations, a shablonirovaniye, recutting of threads, navorot couplings, hydrotesting, hardening of threads, measurement of length, a strukturoskopiya (determination of group of durability), installation of safety parts);
- Repair of boring pipes (repair of a castle thread, thickness measuring hydrotesting, defectoscopy of a weld joint of welded locks);
- Repair, diagnostics and certification of pumping bars (recovery of space geometry, hardening and nerazr. control);
- Preparation for descent of casing pipes (audit of threads, molding);
- Production of elements of pipe columns;
- Implementation of pipes: oil and gas wire, boring, upsetting, NKT, general purpose, seamless and welded, corrosion-resistant.
By 2012 Pipe Metallurgic Company NGS-Nizhnevartovsk Ltd was in a phase of stable work which required existence of more modern, reliable, quickly changing taking into account the legislation instrument of accounting and management. The technology of data processing, their systematization, obtaining necessary reports by specialists of the enterprise caused difficulties regarding maintaining production, accounting and tax accounting, cash management and also formation of the management reporting. The software product which is operated in the company automating accounting was not able to meet modern requirements both the managements, and specialists of the enterprise. Having analyzed the target tasks set Pipe Metallurgic Company NGS-Nizhnevartovsk Ltd, the Ericos group considered the following advantages of implementation of the information system "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8":
- systematization of separate information in the single database;
- implementation of the principle of single information input in the place of its emergence and the subsequent use by all users of an information system for the purposes of operational and management accounting;
- use of the enterprise of the uniform normative reference information by different divisions;
- a possibility of updates of a configuration in connection with an exit of new releases of the software product;
- automatic cost accounting according to account policy and specifics of activity of the enterprise;
- increase in effective management of money due to efficiency of obtaining information on a planned and actual receipt of money;
- maintaining information in the single database for personnel management and payroll with the subsequent reflection in accounting and tax accounting;
- a possibility of development of an information system regarding budgeting and planning of activity of the company;
- identification of all changes of the software product for the purpose of preserving of upgradeability and change control.
Within an implementation project the Ericos company carried out express inspection, modeling on production processes of Pipe Metallurgic Company NGS-Nizhnevartovsk Ltd, user training to work to "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8". Forces of specialists Ericos executed completions of a system, consultations are rendered, user instructions and regulations of work are developed. At territorial remoteness of the Customer stable remote access for making changes, for the analysis of the database and consultation of users was provided. Setting of complex tasks by narrow specialists from Pipe Metallurgic Company NGS-Nizhnevartovsk Ltd caused variable solving of tasks of accounting, new approaches were implemented without change of terms and project cost. Qualification of specialists of Ericos LLC allowed to estimate the impact of changes on the connected subsystems and to solve problems timely. The following subsystems "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" are put into operation:
- Product data management – structure of a product
- Order management of buyers
- Order management in production
- Purchase management
- Inventory management
- Production management
- Products cost accounting
- Cash management
- Payroll calculation
- Personnel management
- Accounting
- Tax accounting
The implementation project "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" in Pipe Metallurgic Company NGS-Nizhnevartovsk Ltd is complete in time, the software product is put into commercial operation on July 29, 2013, 145 jobs are automated. High-quality implementation of the program was caused by good training and personal interest of heads and Customer's employees and also the good organization when working from the Contractor. The joint organization of communications, weekly meetings of a project team by means of Skype with accurate planning and execution of works allowed to complete the project on implementation successfully. Implementation "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" allowed to create in Pipe Metallurgic Company NGS-Nizhnevartovsk Ltd the unified information system which integrated areas Production accounting, the Financial and economic block, Personnel management, Payroll calculation, Accounting and tax accounting. To further plans of the management of the enterprise implementation of a budgeting subsystem, planning treat with further carrying out the plan-fact analysis of rendering services, purchases, productions, sales.
The Following Tasks Were Performed
Consultations on the choice of the software and options of its maintenance Sale of the selected software products Collecting and requirement analysis of the customer to an automated system Planning of stages of works, drawing up job schedule Methodical ensuring specific features of accounting and management in the automation system (the requirement to adaptation) Creation of interfaces and sets of user rights Technical implementation of specific features of accounting and management in the automation system (adaptation) Initial settings of standard/industry solution (program) to start accounting Input of opening balances / the help when entering opening balances Data transfer from the previous automation systems Individual training at office of the customer Training in group at office of the customer