Customers: Barricade software Volgograd; Mechanical engineering and instrument making Contractors: AVK-system Product: 1C: Enterprise 8.2На базе: 1C: Enterprise 8.0 Project date: 2013/07
Number of licenses: 200
The Following Functions Were Automated
- Document flow (ECM)
- Accounting of agreements
- Time recording
- Purchases (supply) and vendor relationship management
- Settlement with suppliers
- Order placement to suppliers
- Purchase planning
- Vendor relationship management
- Accounting of non-invoiced deliveries
- Accounting of arrival of Inventories
- Formation of the payment schedule to suppliers
- Different industry specifics
- Production, services
- Raw materials supplied by the customer processing
- Material requirement planning
- Calculation of normative cost value
- Data management about structure and structure of a product, a compounding
- Management of engineering data and normative reference information (PDM, MDM)
- Accounting of activity of auxiliary productions
- The cost accounting on production
- Fixed asset accounting, depreciation calculation
- Accounting of production orders
- Accounting of overalls and special equipment
- Accounting of services of production character
- Construction
- Management of construction projects (scheduling, accounting and analysis)
- Other
- Accounting of export-import transactions
- Formation of the industry reporting
- Business process management and IT processes
- Information technology management (ITIL)
- Customer relationship management (CRM)
- Personnel management and personnel records (HRM)
- Analysis of personnel structure
- Personnel records
- Personnel training
- Assessment and certification of personnel
- Planning of employee occupation: holidays and/or other actions
- Personnel recruitment
- Application of different motivational schemes
- Payroll calculation
- The regulated reporting
- Training management and advanced training
- Time recording
- Sales management, logistics and transport (SFM, WMS, TMS)
- Sales (sale), service, marketing
- Settlement with buyers
- Leasing
- Wholesale
- Order placement of buyers
- Calculation of normative cost value of orders
- Retail
- Sales accounting of Inventories
- Formation of the diagram of receipt of payments
- Pricing, price lists
- Warehouse and logistics
- Complete set and disassembling of Inventories
- Control and accounting of serial numbers, expiration dates and certificates
- Reservation of Inventories
- Management of an order warehouse
- Management of warehouse stocks
- Accounting of Inventories in shop storerooms
- Transport
- Accounting of own transport
- Finance, management accounting, monitoring of indicators
- Budgeting, financial planning
- Cash management (treasury)
- Accounting is accounting, tax, budget, including the regulated reporting
- Accounting
- Bank and cash desk
- Intangible assets
- Fixed assets
- Production operations
- Payroll calculation and personnel records
- Settlings with partners
- The regulated reporting
- Inventory items
- Trade operations
- Tax accounting
- Other
- Other
- Planning and organization of public catering
- Property management
Description of works on implementation
Now JSC PO Barrikady is the multi-profile engineering enterprise with the closed production cycle which is turning out machine-building products of defense and civil appointment. Consolidation traditionally is a developer and the manufacturer of artillery pieces of average and large calibers, missile systems of tactical and strategic appointments, ship surface-to-air missile systems and an atomic utilities equipment.
Basic for implementation desire of the management to have the unified information system which on the one hand allowed to receive a complete picture of financial and economic activity in a foreground mode, to see the objective information about cost value of products was the reason, on the other hand allowed to automate further planning processes of productive activity, to manage utilization of capacity and automated budgeting process.
Prior to implementation at the enterprise did not exist uniform corporate information a system, all types of accounting (accounting, tax) were conducted manually on a memorial and order system with partial use of the computer programs of the EU 9003. Since 2008 the plant started implementation of 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8. The cost of the platform against the background of other possible instruments of automation was a basic reason of the choice of the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform, the flexibility of the platform, industrial support from the developer and functionality of 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8 were in addition taken into consideration.
Within implementation by specialists of AVK-system company the following work types were carried out:
Preproject inspection, there were particular purposes and problems of implementation. Implementation was separated into several stages: 1) control automation money, accounting of Inventories, advance holders 2) Accounting of settlement and VAT 3) Personnel records 4) Payroll 5) Accounting and tax accounting (including all non-automated sections of accounting), management of OS (including data for technologists, mobmoshchnost and other services) In parallel in the mode of a pilot project operational accounting of a proizvodltv in one of workshops is implemented, tasks of technologists, economical department and other divisions are automated. Within each of stages the complex of works was carried out to sootvettsviya with project technology of implementation: 1. Writing of technical specifications 2. Adaptation of a standard configuration under requirements of the Customer and feature of accounting at the enterprise, development of mechanisms of data loading. 3. User training 4. Development of instructions and regulations 5. Formation of NSI 6. Test operation 7. Commercial operation with the subsequent maintenance
The following subsystems are as a result implemented: accounting, tax accounting, payroll calculation, calculation of price-work salary for dresses, personnel management, management of lenedny means, a byudzhetirvoaniye, product data management - structure of products, product data management - the production technology, customer relationship management, vendor relationship management, order management of buyers, order management in production, certification of the nomenclature, purchase management, inventory management, production management, management of a remnotama, sales management, management of retail, production planning volume and calendar, purchase planning.
Further development plans for a system: operational production accounting within all plant, automation of operavtiny activity of separate services, integration with the system of process design.