Customers: Cherkizovo meat processing plant (ChMPZ) Contractors: Absolyut-Soft corporate projects Product: 1C: Enterprise 8.2На базе: 1C: Enterprise 8.0 Project date: 2013/06
Number of licenses: 280
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The Following Functions Were Automated
- Different industry specifics
- Production, services
- Raw materials supplied by the customer processing
- Material requirement planning
- Calculation of normative cost value
- Calculation of actual cost
- Data management about structure and structure of a product, a compounding
- Accounting of activity of auxiliary productions
- The cost accounting on production (RAUZ)
- Fixed asset accounting, depreciation calculation
- Accounting of overalls and special equipment
- Finance, management accounting, monitoring of indicators
- Budgeting, financial planning
- Management accounting and cost accounting by method of ABC
- Financial analysis
Consultation on technical issues of work with software products of 1C is performed
In June, 2013 the Absolyut-Soft company completed transfer of JSC ChMPZ on automated management of production based on 1C: Enterprise platform. Within this implementation 10 ChMPZ branches of JSC were also automated, 2 of which it is the plants producers in Ulyanovsk and Penza. JSC ChMPZ is a part of agro-industrial holding JSC Gruppa Cherkizovo. In 2011 the management of Group aimed to integrate business within one legal entity with filial structure in an accounting system of JSC ChMPZ and also to upgrade structure for the sake of cost reduction, the affiliated enterprises caused by an extensive network. The following tasks were in addition set: Automation of accounting of the movement of raw materials and materials, and also finished goods between warehouses of JSC ChMPZ, including between branches; Automation of process of the cost accounting on production of JSC ChMPZ; Automation of process of formation of cost of products of JSC ChMPZ; The Centralized accounting of income and expenses in necessary cuts. For implementation of this project the Absolyut-Soft Corporate Projects company since the company had experience of similar implementations in the meat-processing industry was selected. For project implementation on the enterprises entering into structure of JSC ChMPZ the group of analysts of the company which carried out assessment work of the current organizational process and to planning of architecture of future implementation left. It allowed to create the general accounting for all enterprise and to make transparent the reporting in a single system. As a result of merge of branches all assets and liabilities of Group were reduced in the general system. The building block system allowed to obtain most quickly reliable information about cash flow, products and materials.
In total within the project subsystems were automated: sales management and purchases, inventory management, production management, production requirements planning, pricing, cash management, the Formation of Planned Cost block, management of fixed assets, transfer of revaluation of products at its moving to branches, the block of the cost accounting and their distribution to finished product output, the mechanism of accounting of work of transport workshop is implemented. As a result of implementation the efficiency of different structural divisions of the enterprise significantly increased, namely:
- accountants of JSC ChMPZ can collect the consolidated statements on branches of Group by "one button" now, and close reporting period in short terms;
- accountants of workshops had an opportunity of preparation of production reports in a system, but not "manually" as before;
- the financial company management received the tool for the analysis of activity of the enterprise and calculation of cost value.
The Following Tasks Were Performed
Consultations on the choice of the software and options of its maintenance Sale of the selected software products Delivery of software products in office of the customer Collecting and requirement analysis of the customer to an automated system Planning of stages of works, drawing up job schedule Creation of interfaces and sets of user rights Connection of the specialized equipment (for example, retail store equipment) Integration with other systems based on 1C: Enterprise Integration into third-party automation systems Initial settings of standard/industry solution (program) to start accounting Input of opening balances / the help when entering opening balances Data transfer from the previous automation systems Individual training at office of the customer Training in group at office of the customer Training in group in an educational class of the partner of 1C