Customers: Home.RF of joint stock bank (earlier Russian capital)
Contractors: DeviceLock (before Smart Line) Product: DeviceLock Endpoint DLP SuiteProject date: 2014/03 - 2017/03
2017: Prolongation of licenses
JSB Rossiysky Capital in 2017 once again prolonged licenses for the software package DeviceLock DLP (with right to use of new versions) and technical support of a product.
"The Russian Capital" is a universal bank with a wide branch network which renders services for all categories of clients. As of October 1, 2016 the bank includes about 90 internal structural divisions: branches, additional offices and operational cash desks in 30 regions of the Russian Federation in 7 federal districts. IT infrastructure of bank represents the branched multi-layer system of information security consisting of a set of the important objects and subsystems ensuring safety on servers and workstations which volume is more than 4 thousand jobs.
The management of information security support of bank selected in a separate branch of Department of security annually carries out the assessment of a current status of a system of information resources and fulfills the requirements of standards of the Bank of Russia, including regarding system status evaluation of information security.
The software package DeviceLock DLP developed by the Russian company "Smart Line Ink" is focused on data loss prevention, connected with violations from internal users of corporate ICs and therefore is the necessary instrument of information security support of the organizations of the banking sector, emphasized in the company. Use of DeviceLock DLP allows to provide complex control of actions of users directly at their workstations that, in turn, simplifies modeling of threats and actions of violators.
For example, if security policy of the company prohibits copying of information on removable devices, use of DeviceLock DLP minimizes risk of leak via this channel within the general model of threats. Thanks to DeviceLock DLP plunders of information by internal violators via removable drives, disks and other connected external devices and also the channel of printing, e-mail, messengers, file exchange services, etc. Besides, are prevented support of DeviceLock DLP of event recording and shadow copying provides a legal dokumentiruyemost and substantiality of the facts of access attempts and copying of specific data, emphasized in the company.
2014: DeviceLock DLP installation
JSB ROSSIYSKY CAPITAL set in 2014 the software package DeviceLock DLP – a control facility of access to devices for acceptance, transfer and data processing. The decision of RUSSIAN CAPITAL bank to use DeviceLock was made as one of measures for reduction of risk of leak of confidential corporate information and personal data protection of clients.
The Department director Alexey Anatolyevich Komirenko tells about the main objectives facing Department of protection of business of JSB ROSSIYSKY CAPITAL: "The lack of control of information transmitted via devices and input/output ports at workstations Bank is one of the most current problems in terms of information security support. Respectively, search of the solution of this problem pushed Management of information security of Bank to the choice and implementation of necessary means of protecting to which there was DeviceLock because of its reliability and multifunctionality. At the same time DeviceLock - idle time in mastering and setup the means of protecting which are completely meeting the requirements of bank and the executing all number of the tasks set for a software package".