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Universialiti Online courses and trainings

Developers: Universiality
Branches: Science and education
Technology: Systems of distance learning

The market education online promptly grows in Russia more and more Internet users prefer online education which saves a lot of time and does not require additional costs.

E-learning (online training) in Russia began to develop only in the last 20 years and continues to be spread till today. E-learning is training at distance where the pupil receives all necessary textbooks and materials using the Internet. Such type of training became necessary due to the lack of additional knowledge in the business education market. Today online education extended to other fields of activity: whether it be philological education or legal.

To demonstrate statistics of foreign countries and in particular the Russian Federation, it is worth providing some analytical data. For example, today the USA is in the lead in the field of online education and already in more than 90% of higher education institutions the systems of remote education on the Internet are used. Russia in the field lags behind in development for 5-7 years and only the last several years the Russian higher education institutions start creation of training systems online. In difference, besides, from the countries of Europe and the USA where the state completely supports this type of education, in Russia the systems of online training develop haphazardly. For example, according to SaaSWorld of 86% of the budget for personnel development it was spent for online services in the USA for 2012. In the countries of the Russian Federation the companies only begin to develop in this direction.

E-learning is a possibility of education to people who cannot study in higher education institutions for any reasons. This fact increases percent of educated people, as well as cultural level in the territory of the Russian Federation. Today citizens of Russia spend about $10 billion a year for receiving remote education at the universities of the countries of USA or Europe that makes 23% of the world market of electronic education for independent training.

There is a set of the companies which do systems for corporate training, but very few people think of private authors and less large educational institutions. But creation of an own system of online training requires big material investments owing to what it is worth studying before it the market online education. For example, according to e-Literate the cost of ownership of the license of one of the American companies of online training for the large university is about 330 thousand dollars a year, in Russia ownership of such system for one university – from 65 thousand to 1 million rubles.

In the western market online training is very developed, in Russia this direction only gains steam. One of such perspective projects is Universialiti.

Universialiti is the step-by-step structured online courses and trainings from independent authors, the training centers and educational institutions. It is a convenient and fast method of education online. Universialiti is first and still only Russian project on creation of full-fledged online courses for authors and educational institutions in which each user who published the rate according to regulations of the platform can become the author. "We deeply studied western both Russian the market and their practices, we understand problems and we know their solutions. We create complex approach to implementation education online: from a technical system to an external and inner pattern of work. We implement tools proceeding from specific and personal tasks and also we create clear, convenient and easy in use software for an opportunity for work in it to everyone" - one of heads of Universialiti explains. Each user can create an educational course and its tax towards moderation. After check of a rate on authorship, compliance to the announced subject and legal content the rate comes to the Universialiti directory.

More than 10,000 users and also 900 students and 46 higher educational institutions ready to cooperate with project data among which there is Academy of National Economy and public service at the President of the Russian Federation participate in the program already. This project does not include any subscription fees. For the services of Universialiti holds remuneration from sale and cost of the educational services rendered by teachers. You will find the rate interesting you where also in the online mode classes are given in the structure offered by the author in a course catalog. There is an opportunity to discuss a rate with other participants, to ask questions personally to the author within the selected rate and also to do specific tasks from the author. This project the designer for creation of rates, as well as a course catalog for training integrates in himself social network. The Universialiti service allows to buy easily different rates from independent authors and to study in the online mode. Since February, 2014 the project gives the chance to create accounts for educational institutions which can provide the choice of faculties and also allow to add teachers and curators to rates for better online training. The last several months of Universiality come for creation of LMS (Learning Management System) - a system for higher educational institutions — training management systems.