Developers: | ITAB |
Date of the premiere of the system: | 2014/05/26 |
Technology: | Trade automation systems |
Crystal Flow is the hardware and software system consisting of 4-6 cash desks of self-service, gate, the cash Set Flow program and the sense light of signaling.
On May 26, 2014 the Crystal Service company began sales of a new solution in the field of cash desks of self-service — Crystal Flow.
The solution is created in Russia and intended for the Russian shops, intended to solve a problem of queues, to cut down staff expenses and to display service of buyers for qualitatively new level.
As a part of cash desk the intellectual weight cell which verifies the weight of goods and data from the database that prevents wrong scanning and theft of goods works: scan one goods, and put another it will not turn out.
The interface of the program is simple and laconic, it is expected the average buyer of shop. In it all scenarios of behavior are considered, it accompanies the buyer with short hints on the monitor.
Depending on a format of shop and the standing tasks, there is type selection of cash desk for installation:
- compact cash desk of Move Flow for buyers with a small number of goods
- the big cash desk of Twin Flow equipped with a tape for purchases (it is intended for service of buyers with carts).
Cash desk Move Flow
Cash desk Twin Flow
The design of a cash line adapts according to the corporate style of shop or network. The zone of settlement is supplied with clear pointers and separated from other zones of shop.
"Cash desks of self-service distribute flows of buyers, - Alexander Shatulov, the director of products noted. - People with two-three of goods do not stand in the general queue now, and quickly pay purchases. It attracts new group of active people who appreciate the time in big shops and do not want to spend it for standing in queues".