Customers: 7 Keys Network of car centers Contractors: Zolotaya Seredina, LLC, APO Product: Manzana LoyaltyНа базе: Microsoft Dynamics CRM Project date: 2013/07
Network of car services "7 Keys" started the rewards program of loyalty on the Manzana Loyalty platform
In network of car services "7 Keys" the ready-made solution "Turnkey Loyalty Program" was implemented. The technical platform of the program is the solution Manzana Loyalty certified by Microsoft based on Microsoft Dynamics CRM used by Zolotaya Seredina Group for management of programs of the partners. The updated program of loyalty allowed network to predict profit increase due to expense reduction on discounts and increases in number of clients.
In 2013 company "7 Keys" made the decision to review own loyalty program. Changes of qualitative character were required. The network addressed the operator of the loyalty program Golden mean. After monitoring of the existing loyalty program three basic reasons of insufficient efficiency of the existing program were selected. First, clients ceased to react to discounts. They got used to receive them constantly that led to decrease in the importance of privileges in the opinion of consumers and to decrease in motivation for return to service points. Secondly, increase in a flow of new clients and consequently also quantities of the provided discounts, led to the fact that costs for the loyalty program became notable for the budget of the company and required the alternative solution. And the most important reason is the aspiration of the customer to increase the frequency of return of clients to points of service of network.
Change of nature of privileges allowed to achieve a main objective – increase in efficiency of the loyalty program. Change of a system of motivation of clients, cost reduction on providing privileges and also expansion of opportunities of customer interaction – here the key to success of the loyalty program of car center "7 Keys".
"I see perspective in such change of strategy of work with regular customers. The western companies of our market show success of this solution long ago. The bonus for the client is a material and notable privilege", - comments on start of the rewards program Gennady Viktorovich Evgrashin, the CEO of network of car services "7 Keys".
Within the Golden mean coalition using Manzana Loyalty based on Microsoft Dynamics CRM network of car services "7 Keys" can:
- create the personal offer on the basis of a portrait of the client and the history of his consumer behavior;
- analyze a consumer customer behavior, not only within own network, but also on the basis of these other participants – Partners of the Coalition thanks to the system of automatic reports;
- influence the frequency of visits of services and the size of the average check;
- to manage more precisely efficiency of own loyalty program.