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The Vostochny spaceport keeps the project of equipment by a telecommunications system

Customers: East, spaceport

Product: Projects of creation of complex IT infrastructure

Project date: 2014/06
Project's budget: 216000000 руб.

On June 20, 2014 it became known of development of telecommunication systems for the Vostochny spaceport with participation of JSC Research Institute of Television and JSC Novosibirsk Institute of Program Systems.

Project Tasks

"The amount of financing on this project will be 216 million rubles. We are going to supply and mount the developed equipment at the Vostochny spaceport by May, 2015 when the first start should take place", – Andrey Zverev, the CEO of Ruselectronics holding noted.

It is supposed that systems will be completely autonomous, with the high level of protection against the hacker attacks and unavailable to integration of the third-party software.

Will be created by forces of the enterprises:

  • switching center and distributions of television information,
  • the system of acceptance and broadcast of a video information from spaceport platforms,
  • autonomous receiving complex for acceptance of television information from the International Space Station,
  • mobile television station.

With implementation of systems the video information arriving from tracking cameras in the territory of the spaceport will be brought to the big touch screen – the automated workplace with an ability to manage. At the moment passes software testing which will integrate images from cameras in a single system.

In October, 2013 JSC NIIT put into trial operation at the Vostochny spaceport the system of acceptance and broadcast of a video information from spaceport platforms, allowing to observe the course of construction works on its main objects (a starting complex, a test and mounting complex, a complex on production and storage of components of rocket fuel, a command complex).