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2014/06/25 00:20:24

To Lucina Abgaryan: Case by that is more interesting, than it is more difficult

To Lucina Abgaryan, the HR director of Kelly Services company, directs the project of implementation of processes of budget planning and personnel management of the company in the Microsoft Dynamics AX system. She told about it in an interview of TAdviser. The directory of ERP solutions, integrators and implementations is available on TAdviser

TAdviser: What key requirements to a system and functionality do you show? What they are connected with?

To Lucina Abgaryan: Our company, Kelly Services, implemented support of key business processes on Microsoft Dynamics AX about ten years ago, and since then the management has no doubts in correctness of its choice. Today the functionality of a system covers the main business processes of the front office, middle-office and a back office. However in a system not all budget management processes were implemented. The company works in the field of consulting and service therefore its capital asset is people and the costs associated with people. Respectively, budget planning and account of actual costs is kept on employees. Till a certain moment accounting and planning were conducted in the different systems: actual data accumulated in Microsoft Dynamics AX, and planning was executed using Microsoft Excel.

Let's note that in planning process it was necessary not only to consider the actual indicators, but also to create planned and also to attract the additional indicators connected, for example, with calculation of unused holidays, insurance premiums and to that similar. Such process of work with the plan was very resource-intensive. Different groups of people worked with actual data and with the plan. A large number of the stakeholders working with a set of information flows was involved in the project – it generated distortions and losses of information. Accuracy and quality of the output data on the basis of which are kept financial accounting, budget and forecast planning left much to be desired. First of all we needed methodology of management of an infopotokama which will allow to remove (or at least to minimize) the restrictions appearing in manual control mode big arrays of information. Besides, in a system internal processes of personnel management were not implemented. As Kelly Services specializes in services in personnel management, internal HR is a part of production process. But in terms of automation the priority throughout long time was given to processes of HR, business-related the companies, and internal HR remained as "the poor relative". For me as HR directors, Dynamics AX was the system of personnel records and payroll, but not the partner in personnel management.

We began to improve forecasting process not from system implementation, and from improvement of algorithms of process of budget planning. Optimized the principles and algorithms of planning, but drawing up plans was still executed in Excel. It was obvious that it is necessary to integrate the plan and the fact in one system and also to expand functionality for support of internal processes of personnel management.

In 2013 we began the project of creation of the instrument of effective management of the budget and personnel based on on Microsoft Dynamics AX. I will note that the problem of implementation of internal processes of personnel management is new both to us, and to Tops Consulting – similar solutions on Microsoft Dynamics AX, as far as I know, does not exist yet.

TAdviser: When the project comes to the end, Excel will "be dismissed"?

To Lucina Abgaryan: No, we will still use it as the analysis tool because Dynamics AX does not support the solution of all tasks connected with analytics yet. But accounting and data storage it will be organized in one information space of Dynamics AX. OLAP CUBES will allow us in real time and with any extent of detailing to trace the current picture of business and also to see the status on HR resources. Then we will unload this information in Excel and to analyze it.

TAdviser: What difficulties faced in the course of implementation? How did you solve them?

To Lucina Abgaryan: Perhaps, the main difficulties faced in the course of the requirement description to a system. At the top level everything was rather simply and clear: we should unroll process of budget planning and formation of monthly financial forecasts. But when we went deep into parts, unexpected nuances, "reefs" which should be considered surely came to light.

The requirement description began in April of last year – then we got to joint work with consultants of TOPS Consulting. There passed about half a year, and process of problem definition and the description of functional design all did not come to an end... I had a feeling that it will never end that the project should be stopped. And I am very grateful to colleagues from TOPS Consulting for support during this difficult period. They offered non-standard option of project implementation. According to classics of project management, it was necessary to approve and approve at first completely functional design and only after to start system development. But we, trusting each other, went on other way and started step-by-step implementation of a system, in fact implementing Agile approach in implementation of Microsoft Dynamics AX: created separate functional unit, approved it as functional design, and moved further, increasing the solution other functions. In the circumstances it, in my opinion, was the only way to move off dead center. Recently we already transferred a part of functionality (OLAP reporting) from trial operation to industrial.

TAdviser: Based on use of a system what advantages of Microsoft Dynamics AX you see?

To Lucina Abgaryan: A system still is in process of implementation therefore prematurely to judge results. Users will feel fundamental changes when they receive functionality of budget planning and OLAP in the order. When a system works as we plan, then I will be able to tell that my life as head on personnel changed cardinally – it will be other quality of life.

'TAdviser: What key lessons of results of implementation did you for yourself take out? What recommendations can you make to the companies which are in the beginning of implementation or in selection process of a system?

To Lucina Abgaryan: Possibly, I will not tell anything new. But, as practice shows, classics of project management which are perceived as the banal and set the teeth on edge truth, during the project is vital.

At the center it is necessary to deliver diagnostics of processes, statuses of business and its requirements. Competently to enter the project, it is necessary to understand that you want to receive as a result. Key question: why to you a system what problems of business it will help to solve why it is important for the company. Implementation should meet requirements of the company, time calls. And only after that it is possible to answer a question: as you will implement the wishes. I had no task to do a system for the sake of a system – just because it is so accepted. Creation of a system which will allow to manage effectively the budget by staff costs in three aspects was and remains my purpose: speeds, accuracy and flexibility. This clear vision of the purpose allowed me from April of last year to today to move ahead "through thorns to stars". I will note what you can not have accurate vision of all parts. So, for example, it happened in our project: nuances were shown gradually, already during system implementation. But the purpose should be absolutely clear initially – it allows to go through such long projects.

Secondly, planning difficult projects, it is necessary it is realistic to estimate resources which you have. I could not switch off, for example, from the main business processes of the key users. They continued to work at the main work and at the same time participated in the project. Such work "on two fronts" did not give us the chance to concentrate completely on the project therefore we had to move up the planned schedules. We expected that we in January will come to a stage of commercial operation, and since January the budget of 2014 will form in Microsoft Dynamics AX, but in reality the next not - the test version will probably appear in April. And it will be possible to be disconnected from Excel not earlier than August-September. Once again I for myself noted: it is very important to be realistic about the resources and opportunities when you plan such project. Especially, if there are restrictions on terms and the budget.

Therefore lessons – are not new, but once again confirm already developed rules: in any project the purpose, understanding of requirements, determination of stakeholders and accurate knowledge of the available resources is important: time, people, money.

TAdviser: And how consultants of TOPS Consulting took part in the solution of the arising problems? Whether they became for you business partners?

To Lucina Abgaryan: For me readiness of specialists of TOPS Consulting to meet requirements of me and to change an implementation methodology became a basic turning point in terms of partnership. Up to this point I had a feeling that in the project nothing occurs and nothing will turn out. I am very grateful to colleagues for this step. They very correctly assessed a situation and to save the project, assumed a part of the risks connected with non-standard approach to implementation. It was very correct course in building of relationship with the client and demonstration of true partnership which leads to success. Now our specialists and consultants of TOPS Consulting work in a dense sheaf. And now I can claim with good reason: yes, we are partners.

TAdviser: What for you personally was the most positive in 2013, than it was most of all remembered?

To Lucina Abgaryan: Both for the company, and for me personally year was very difficult. And it is remarkable. In my value system - than case is more complex, it is more interesting to those. Therefore I with hope look for 2014: it will be not less or maybe even more difficult, so – more interesting. In 2013 we began the project which I waited for three years. I wanted to implement a lot of things in a system, but the priority was reasonably given to the solution of priority business challenges therefore I patiently stood "at the end of queue". And 2013 my queue at last approached, and the project already is in the home stretch. The dream is performed.