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2014/07/03 10:05:51

Rules of promotion in Facebook




In June, 2014 on the Buffet online resource there were results of a research of TrackMaven analytical company which revealed five most effective SMM acceptances for promotion of posts in Facebook social network. It appears, there are some rules, following to which allows to interact with a new ranking algorithm of posts of social network most effectively.

Advance the message, goods or service in Facebook it is not so simple now: the flow of content is excessive, and therefore the new algorithm of content filtering was necessary to apply the companies. For quite some time now first of all show to users of social network the posts which are selected by the principle of relevance for the specific user. The more likes to the author of a post are put by the user, and the published content is closer to consumer interests, the it is more than chances that he will see it.

Analysts from TrackMaven analyzed 5804 Facebook pages on which during the research 1,578,006 posts appeared. The analysis allowed experts to reveal the most effective acceptances allowing to receive the maximum level of interaction with the audience on social network.

Five most effective acceptances working for Facebook are given below.

Correctly select time in which it is worth posting

All know that the peak of activity on social networks is the share of lunch breaks during weekdays. But it does not mean at all that the publication of the post during the lunchtime — the best method to earn loyal audience. In fact everything is much more difficult[1].

So, experts from TrackMaven not suggest to plan publications of content for "peak" time, and, on the contrary, for when it is a little users of social network in Facebook. In this case they will generate less content, and it means that it will be more difficult to your post to be lost in hundreds of other messages in the film by the user.

Experts found out that the most optimal time of the publication of content in Facebook for those who hope to receive the maximum quantity of likes, comments and reposts — the second half of the day off. Content published on Sunday is many times more effective than content published on Wednesday — day when the activity on social networks reaches the pica.

Most of all content on Facebook is published during a lunch break. And therefore the messages published in the evening in time off, receive the greatest indicators of interaction.

Use pictures

The human brain processes visual images in 60 thousand times quicker than the text. It means that to get the maximum chances that the user will see your post it it is better to snadbit the picture.

Use of the photo to a post increases conversion of posts by 37%.

Actively use a punctuation

It can seem strange, but most of users of social networks does not use exclamation points in the posts. And in general actively under-exploits the correct arrangement of punctuation marks. So, the exclamation point in the posts does not use 71% of authors. Nevertheless, the researches TrackMaven show that posts which contain them collect 2.7 times more likes, comments and reposts.

Also experts recommend to use more actively and other punctuation marks: question marks, commas, points, dash.

Use hashtags

Researchers claim that use of the correct set of hashtags is guaranteed lifts indicators of a scope and conversion of posts on all social networks, including Facebook. There are even digits: on average on social network of Mark Zuckerberg, conversion from the posts using hashtags grows by 60%.

Moreover, each post may contain several such tags at once: practice shows that optimal quantity of hashtags in a post — one-two. However, if to use three-four of these tags, then the scope indicator will only grow. And here more than four them you should not use.

Write messages of the correct size

Researchers claim that 33% of messages in Facebook have length at 10-19 of words. 57.2% of users write posts no more than 20 words in size.

Long time seemed that such approach is justified. But now the ranking algorithm of posts in Facebook "loves" long posts. Experts from TrackMaven assure that the posts containing 80-89 words collect twice more clicks and likes, than their shorter and capacious analogs lasting up to 20 words.

Researchers consider that there is not only an algorithmic, but also psychological effect: users approve more willingly content on which reading they spent slightly more time, than usually.
