Customers: Toyota Motor Contractors: Advantum Product: Advantum: TOCISProject date: 2014/03 - 2014/07
On July 9, 2014 the Advantum company announced automation of regional spare parts depot and accessories of Toyota Motor LLC by means of system implementation of TOCIS.
Project Results
With system implementation of Advantum, orders for replenishment of a warehouse form automatically, calculation is made on the basis of statistical data for last periods.
On the basis of a sales history a system processes statistics of the movement of spare parts through warehouses of the company and creates the order at suppliers. At the same time a system gives ample opportunities of setup of parameters on groups of spare parts or certain names of goods for automation of process of replenishment of a warehouse, reduction of stock balance and providing the range of parts corresponding to demand. A system allows to perform shipment optimization, providing automatic formation of diagrams and routes on shipment with the set frequency by each warehouse. A system provides automatic formation of the picking sheets and shipment documents necessary for shipment of spare parts.
Work with a new regional warehouse has features:
- The separate not crossed list of dealers for warehouses (central - in the Moscow region and regional - in Novosibirsk), with a possibility of formation of groups of priorities of warehouses for each pair "order type" "/dealer" that will allow to ship spare parts from other, not priority warehouse.
- One dealer - one main warehouse, but shipments from several warehouses are possible;
- Calculation of statistical parameters, separate for warehouses, on replenishment of warehouses;
- Formation of orders, separate for warehouses, for replenishment of warehouses and orders from dealers. The separate mechanism of goods receipt on warehouses.
According to the task set by Toyota Motor LLC, the Advantum company carried out the works which were completed in time with implementation and successful operation of an automated system on new regional spare parts depot and accessories in Novosibirsk.