Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2
Schultz Dmitry Nikolaevich
Schultz Dmitry Nikolaevich


In 2004 Dmitry graduated from Perm State University majoring in "Mathematical methods and operations research in economy".

In 2006 Candidate of Economic Sciences defended the master's thesis on the subject "Theoretical and Methodological Aspects of the Analysis of Interrelations Micro and Macrolevels of Economy".

Since 2004 works in Prognoz company.

In 2007 became the head of the Center of economic modeling and forecasting.

Since 2007 works at department of information systems and mathematical methods in economy of Perm State University.

For August 11, 2014 Dmitry Nikolaevich Schultz works as the head of the center of modeling and forecasting of Prognoz company.

2017 — the head of the analytical department of Foresight company.

For July, 2019 — any more is not an employee of Foresight company.