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2014/08/13 07:17:14

Processing of worn-out buses in a crumb

What waste it is formed in Russia most of all and what of this waste it is the most profitable to process.


Formation of worn-out rubber in proportion grows in Russia of a year a year and for August, 2014 is more than two million tone that certainly is considered in very large volume, as in terms of formation of waste, and grinding of sight of raw materials for further processing.

Methods of processing of buses

In the world there are two main types of processing of worn-out tires.

The method of pyrolysis is one and not most not environmentally friendly methods of processing of car tires and economically inefficient method of utilization. When processing not quality fuel oil which is suitable only for a fire chamber in the furnace for this reason small profitability of production and a problem with sale of the made product turns out.

Mechanical method of processing of buses – the most widespread method of processing. This method is considered without waste as when processing by this method the system of the equipment separates the making tires into different components: 1. A rubber crumb which is used for production of rubber safety coverings, plugging of oil wells, adding in asphalt and so on. 2. A textile cord which is used for warming of cellars, cellars, overlappings of concrete, production of mattresses and so on. 3. A metal cord (scrap metal) which is melted into new metal products.

Processing of worn-out buses in a crumb

This method as it was already told, it is considered the most effective as in terms of profitability, unprofitability and big demand of products. The main exit in this method of processing – a rubber crumb. The rubber crumb is demanded in Russia and naavgust 2014 even its shortage is felt. In recent years in a type of lack of these raw materials, a lot of crumb was delivered also for a boundary.

Processing of buses as business

Many working enterprises for processing of buses, work on the Chinese equipment ineffective, as a rule, owing to what cost value of products, frequent breakdowns and production of a low-quality rubber crumb increases. Working on the correct modern equipment profitability of business, can make more than 100%. At each stage of processing there is an inflow of money supply.

At the first production phase there is acceptance of buses for processing from legal entities, the average price of acceptance of buses on utilization over the country for August, 2014 is 2000 rubles.

At the second stage sale of a rubber crumb, the average price of a crumb in Russia makes from 15 rubles and above for kilogram.

At the third stage of earnings it is a metal cord which is given in threw bases in the form of scrap metal, the average price for such scrap metal from 2000 to 2500 thousand rubles for ton. At the last stage it is a textile cord which price is equivalent to the scrap metal price. So as it is possible to note that without waste and profitable from what party do not look at this production.

What is done of a rubber crumb

  • Playgrounds, kindergartens;
  • Sports grounds and tennis courts;
  • Garden tracks;
  • Garages;

and many other things.