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Bitcop Security

Developers: Bitcop
Date of the premiere of the system: 2013/01/26
Last Release Date: December, 2014
Technology: SaaS - Software as service,  Time recording


Bitcop Security - program solution SaaS for control and accounting of activity of staff of the companies.


A system helps to keep a time recording, to control activity of employees. Within the functionality, the technology considers:

  • Working schedule of the employee
  • Activity of work of the employee
  • Statistics of work with programs
  • Statistics of use of resources of the Internet
  • Activity control.

The program will prepare:

  • Screenshots of the monitor
  • Monitoring of search queries
  • Operational report of employee occupation
  • List of violations of an operating mode

Evident reports with detailed detailing

  • The Bitcop Security program creates simple and evident reports for work of employees which are easy for using for obtaining results. At the same time the possibility of receiving a detailed information on any of report components is provided.

Screenshot: Window of work with programs

  • Guidance of the cursor or mouse click will allow to find detailed information on the selected element — for example, for the used program its full name, the version, the name of developer company, a way to the executable file and start time on the user's computer will be specified.

  • Convenient information representation is complemented with the developed system of selection of data. The simple movement of a mouse it is possible to change the period of display of results, the list of controlled departments, employees or workstations. All this allows quickly and without excess efforts to receive data on leakages of working time in the organization.

Monitoring of remote workers

The control system of work of personnel of Bitcop Security supports control over work of employees outside the central office, in divisions and offices. As that:

  • retail stores of a single network,
  • regional representative offices,
  • offices from another town,
  • separate divisions,
  • workers at home, freelance employees and freelancers.

Statistics in real time with the notification about events

The Bitcop Security system controls work of personnel in real time. The program creates relevant reports on actions of the employee:

  • the used programs,
  • the visited sites,
  • the entered search queries
  • activities of use of the computer.

Screenshot: Activity of the user

Operational informing on violations of the course of workflow is performed using notifications on e-mail. The system administrator or non-management employees can receive notifications about the prohibited actions of personnel (start of a game in working time, an exit in social network, inadmissible search query). The list of controlled events can personally be configured for each employee, or for department, office, the organization. It helps to react to the activity of employees which is not connected with their direct service duties quicker.

Control of terminal sessions

Bitcop Security provides a possibility of monitoring of work of users on the server of terminals. Control over actions of personnel within the terminal sessions gives opportunities similar to control of computers with data processing on client side:

  • pictures of the working screen,
  • tracking of the used programs and the visited sites.

The program informs on number of a session of the employee, start time of work, computer name from which the input and the IP address of connection is performed.

Control of terminal sessions - irreplaceable means for increase in efficiency of business processes in the organizations where remote service of workstations is caused by their low power or features of licensing.

Screenshot: Activity of the user in a week

Synchronization with the Active Directory

The synchronization of the Bitcop Security system with the Active Directory executed in the automatic mode simplifies a problem of initial setup of structure of the company, helping:

Synchronization of data is performed on value of fields from the Active Directory:

  • surname,
  • name,
  • middle name,
  • e-mail address,
  • position
  • department.

Consolidation of remote offices

The Bitcop Security system exercises full control over all employees working at territorially remote offices of the company. Integrating offices in one organization, it is possible to monitor in real time work of the points distributed on the city, nonresident personnel, the staff of separate divisions and freelancers.

Screenshot: Screenshots PCs of the user

Invisible operation mode

Functioning of a system of accounting of working time can be executed in the hidden mode that increases reliability of the received results of monitoring of work of employees. Invisible mode it:

  • On a task bar the program icon is not displayed.
  • Bitcop Security is not specified in the list of the installed programs.
  • Records about a program runtime in the Task manager on the Applications tab are not created.

High degree of protection of the agent

Modules of the agent of Bitcop Security are reliably protected from attempts of an unauthorized stop. The user who does not have the administrator's rights on the computer cannot disconnect the program of a time recording. If the forced stop is made by the privileged user, information on this event is displayed in the interface of the system administrator.


Bitcop Security

On August 28, 2014 the Bitcop company announced the powerful control system of personnel having the developed system of the evident analytical reports Bitcop Security release

Bitcop Security 3.6

The system of accounting of working time of Bitcop Security left at the end of 2014 in the upgraded version enriched with additional functionality according to productivity of work of employees. The new report "Productivity of work" which will help the head to identify quickly those subordinates who spend the working time not on accomplishment of service duties at all is for this purpose intended.

The main purpose of any system of accounting of working time just also is determination of effective and inefficient workers and also "degrees" of this inefficiency if it takes place. By these results the head can already apply adequate measures of personnel influence (a penalty, an award, transfer to positions, and even dismissal) which finally will allow the organization to lower costs and to increase profit. This main objective - identification of unproductive employees - could be reached easily and earlier, having used a rich variety of reports of Bitcop Security and having analyzed their data. Now, with the advent of the report "Productivity of work", the unrolled picture of quality of work of subordinates can be received at all for read seconds.

Who needs it? By and large, the innovation will be useful for the company of any scale. Of course, it will bear the most explicit fruits in the large organizations where top managers have no opportunity personally to control sense of duty of each person from sponsored staff. With the new report it will be possible to receive the percentage of productive, unproductive and neutral time of each worker according to the results of last day. But it will be not less relevant and for the small organizations where the head only thinks that he "has the finger on the pulse" situations. A daily 2-3 hour sit-round gathering of the employee on social networks can lead, for example, to the overdue commercial offer and failure of large deal which will become crash for reputation of firm. And without Bitcop Security and the Productivity of Work tool the head would never learn about these leakages of effective time at the subordinate.

How it works? The Bitcop Security system of version 3.6 above already contains the preset list of the resources relating to unproductive. These are programs and the websites, the appeal to which during the working day for the employee is contraindicated (social networks, games, dating sites). At the same time the scope for entering into these settings of adjustments according to requirements of the company and professional activity peculiarities of her employees is provided in a system. The administrator of Bitcop Security can add and change productivity of resources concerning all organization, department or the specific employee. It is very convenient, for the different purposes and useful resources can be different: for the accountant social network - unambiguous harm, and for the PR-specialist monitoring reaction of audience to the new advertizing course of the company - one of sources for obtaining information. However the same PR-specialist can look not for responses, and to browse pages of friends, and then work with social network should be referred to unproductive. How to be in this case? The Bitcop Security system will help to sort controversial data - in similar situations the head will follow on the browsed pages the links saved in the program and will define to what category it is necessary to refer such work.

Use options. Within new functionality by determination of productivity it is possible to work with two types of setup of the report - "Productivity on employees" and Productivity on the websites and programs. The first option will provide to the head the list of employees from detailings on the programs and the websites used during the day, with reference of operating time with them to productive, unproductive or neutral and with calculation of percentage of this time to the general working time of the employee. The report in this setup is extraordinary convenient for fast quality evaluation of activity of the employee and also can form the basis of a system of charge of the monthly bonuses stimulating personnel to increase in the performance coefficient.

The second option of use of the new report - Productivity on the websites and programs - will allow not only to examine ranging of resources and applications on degree of their efficiency, but also to set individual preferences for the selected program or the website for their belonging to productive, unproductive or neutral category.

In general, it is possible to say that the system of accounting of working time of Bitcop Security from version 3.6 passed to a new step of functionality at which its reports allow to estimate not only quantitative components of work of the employee (duration of use of the website/program or a downtime), but quality of this work. The new Productivity of Work tool should interest those heads who want to use a minimum of reporting data for obtaining the comprehensive information on efficiency of the employee and degree of his involvement into the general workflow.