Customers: X5 Retail Group
Contractors: I-Teco (iTeco) Product: SAP ERP HCMProject date: 2014/03 - 2014/09
On September 9, 2014 the I-Teco company announced project completion on creation of an accounting system and planning of the working time of employees custom-made by X5 Retail Group.
"Main objectives of the project, unique for the Russian market of retail, under the name "H-perimeter" is an accurate observance of the working schedule and increase in level of labor discipline in the company, – Artem Spinul, the sales director of I-Teco company notes. – We managed to integrate the solution on personnel management with an automated system of a time recording not only on shopping facilities, but also in the logistic centers X5 Retail Group, to implement the mechanism of management of diagrams of personnel, to provide training of employees for further support and development of a technology platform".
Entered into structure of the unified solution "X-Perimeter" designed and unrolled by specialists of the leading Russian IT company "I-Teco":
- the uniform Internet portal the web sheet – the functional instrument of data entry, using which, heads of divisions have an opportunity from the workplace to distribute load of each subordinate and to keep track of timeliness of his emergence in a workplace;
- the module of the automated time recording on the customer's objects;
- the module of accounting of personnel on the basis of SAP HCM – the centralized point of collecting and aggregation of information on the basis of which payroll of employees is made.
When forming diagrams a system automatically adjusts planning errors, providing accurate observance as individual requirements of different divisions of X5 Retail Group to duration of changes, and regulations of the labor law of the Russian Federation. An important element of a complex is use of the module of the automated time recording: coming to work and finishing change, employees register the presence in a workplace then information on time of arrival and leaving automatically gets to the module of accounting of personnel.
"X-Perimeter" helps to lower costs, to strengthen labor discipline, to improve dynamics of sales and quality of service in X5 Retail Group shops thanks to a possibility of change of duration of changes and flexible planning of diagrams of personnel depending on load and features of behavior of buyers. In addition, the deployed solution guarantees to employees transparency of the mechanism of salary accrual, excepting errors when calculating.
"Having analyzed accounting principles of working time, our directorate on personnel management designated need of optimization of formation of the diagram of changes for increase in efficiency of shops and warehouses X5, – Dmitry Kalmykov, the project manager of X5 Retail Group company comments. – Today flexible manual planning is used on all objects of the company, at the same time more than 400 of them are connected to a single system of the automated time recording".