Customers: Zapsibbank Ltd Financial services, investments and audit Contractors: ConsID ConsID Product: OmniLinkProject date: 2010/03 - 2010/09
The ConsID Technologies company announces project completion of implementation of a hardware and software system of inventory for Zapsibbank Ltd company.
Inventory based on the product OmniLink of the Pilot company
Within the project of automation the hardware and software system for carrying out inventory of fixed assets Zapsibbank was implemented.
Management of carrying out inventory is provided based on data collection terminals of production of Motorola company, printers a stroke labels of production of Zebra company and specialized labels for difficult operating conditions. Integration on exchange of electronic documents with an enterprise information system of 1C is executed. All features of process of carrying out inventory of Zapsibbank company are considered.
The hardware and software system of inventory is constructed based on technologies of shaped coding and use of data collection terminals. The considered objects are marked by self-adhesive labels with a barcode (or RF-ID a tag) which contains all necessary information on an object. For information input about location and a status of an object data collection terminals are used. Characteristics of different types of supplies (labels, RFID are tags) and models of data collection terminals give an opportunity to successful operation of a system, as in the enclosed space, and in the open air in different temperature conditions and climatic conditions.