NVision Group automated process of assortment planning in EKKO-ROS company based on the solution Oracle Hyperion Planning
Customers: EKKO Grew (ECCO Sko) Contractors: NVision Group Product: Oracle Hyperion PlanningНа базе: Oracle Hyperion Project date: 2014/10
ECCO has more than 300 outlets in all federal districts of Russia and several tens in the CIS countries. The schedule system and control of execution of the order of the range constructed by joint efforts of specialists of NVision Group and "EKKO-ROS" will raise[1] efficiency of the division which is responsible for filling of shops and updating of a lineup[1]. With its help managers can plan purchases and make the delivery schedule of products, considering different parameters of demand – from the sizes to regional preferences.
"Amount of data for the analysis of the range went beyond Microsoft Excel opportunities long ago, and now "EKKO-ROS" received an effective remedy for planning. In combination with the systems of placement and control of purchases the company had a tool for management of all cycle of activity that, certainly, will increase its profitability. The next step in development of the implemented solution of Oracle – creation of a budgeting system", – Maxim Bychkovsky, the director of a division of consulting of NVision Group notes.
"ECCO releases high-quality footwear, and we aim that business processes were also technological, as well as production. Due to competent problem definition from our party and professional implementation of NVision Group it was succeeded to construct the system of assortment planning with the characteristics necessary for similar solutions. We move to a new strategic level which will allow to create quickly seasonal orders, as much as possible considering requirements of the market", – Kirill Friedland, the chief of the department stocks in supply chains of ESSO in Russia says.