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Fujitsu Eternus CD

Developers: Fujitsu
Date of the premiere of the system: 2014/10/27
Technology: DWH


Fujitsu Eternus CD10000

Fujitsu Eternus CD10000 is the data warehouse, the most capacious in a product line of Fujitsu ETERNUS.

2014: Eternus CD10000

On October 27, 2014 the Fujitsu company announced entry into the world market of a storage system of Eternus CD10000.

Fujitsu Eternus CD10000


Fujitsu Eternus CD10000

According to developers, a system is ideal for data storage of large volume. Adding nodes - a combination of disks with controllers, the capacity of the device it is possible to scale to the 56th petabyte.

One system is capable to integrate to 244 nodes. Adding of new nodes is made without stopping systems.

The software platform of storage system is provided by software of Inktank Ceph Enterprise open source from Red Hat company and the additional functional improvements intended for system management from one window. By means of a set of services of service and customers of storage system for the first time will be able to get supports service of a corporate class.

Fujitsu Eternus CD10000 is the first product of Fujitsu with support of the so-called object access method providing high flexibility in data management. Use of ETERNUS CD10000 is provided in private cloud platforms which are based on OpenStack.

The Eternus CD10000 system offers the unified representation of blocks, objects and files in one distributed data storage cluster that helps to reduce complexity and costs for management of data storage and also to optimize space on physical disks for data storage, claim in Fujitsu.

For October 27, 2014 the vendor did not announce the price level of a system.

2015: The second generation of Fujitsu Eternus CD10000

On October 2, 2015 the Fujitsu company provided the second generation of a hyper scalable software-defined storage system of Fujitsu Eternus CD10000. Eternus CD10000 S2 offers the tools helping to process data with a capacity of tens petabyte[1].

File:Fujitsu cd10000 s2.jpg

Eternus CD10000 S2 (2015)

Relying on Ceph unified by software open source for distributed systems of data storage, Fujitsu Eternus CD10000 S2 offers unlimited modular scalability for ensuring capacity and system performance of data storage at zero idle times. In the delivery of the solution of a management tool program and hardware components, service and a quality assurance of all system, including components of third-party producers. It helps customers to use possibilities of technologies based on software open source and support of a corporate class.

According to Fujitsu, the second generation of Eternus CD10000 changes ideas of economy of DWH thanks to the optimization of investments into data storage guaranteed to the continuity of business processes and the accelerated implementation due to use of the certified solutions. The Eternus CD10000 S2 system contains a set of the improvements designed to reduce storage costs of data and the requirement to space in DPC.

DWH allows to place up to 60 TB data in height module 1U, reducing requirements to space. Fujitsu, relying on own calculations, announced use of the hardware and program functions and technologies reducing costs for 1 TB almost ten times. Nodes of DWH under the name Flex Node and Density Node provide higher granularity of accumulation of capacity and performance.

The Flex Node nodes support the scenarios of data storage focused on performance and at the same time provide good scalability.

The Density Node nodes optimum are suitable for storage of large volumes of data at a minimum of space and minimum possible expenses on one terabyte (from €0.007 to €0.013 a month for one GB). Simple adding of system nodes allows to increase the capacity of Eternus CD10000 S2 to 50 PB and above, in case of unpredictable growth of data.

Internal management tools the Eternus CD10000 S2 system act on Ceph software therefore old hardware nodes can be replaced without idle times of a system with completely compatible upgraded nodes. Thereby the system lifecycle for 10-15 years lasts. It helps to lower system requirements at migration.

The storage system of Fujitsu Eternus CD10000 S2 can be purchased in the region of EMEIA and in America at Fujitsu and the companies owners of the status Fujitsu Select Expert proposing server solutions. Cost depends on a configuration and the region. Availability of systems in other regions will become known until the end of 2015.


Fujitsu ETERNUS CD10000: storage with a capacity up to 56 petabyte

Fujitsu offered new hyper scalable storage system of Eternus CD10000
