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Developers: Russian Engineering Club (REC)
Branches: Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care

The colposcope is a medical device without which it is difficult to provide modern operational gynecology now. Colposcopes which are offered by RIK company are picked specially up as the most optimal for joint work with laser devices of the Lancet series. The main difference of the colposcopes presented in the directory of the company is existence of the different modes of increase and illumination in which the device, and smoothness of transition between them can work. The Russian Engineering Club company has more than the 20th summer experience in development and production of laser medical devices for surgery and cosmetology, and at the same time performs different sale of the additional hardware to them which allows to use effectively laser technologies in stomatology, neurosurgery, gynecology, dermatology, cosmetology and otolaryngology.

A wide choice of kolkoskop, the majority of which represent the stereoscopic binocular device, with a possibility of change of optical increase and a powerful light source, is presented at the market of the medical equipment. Such devices provide increase in the studied object in the range from 2 to 40 times in spite of the fact that for the majority of gynecologic researches there is enough ensuring 10-15-fold increase. There are models of kolkoskop which have the fixed increase level. At the same time, the majority of modern kolkoskop have several steps of optical increase (from the 3rd to 5) that during survey the equipment allows the doctor without changing to perform more detailed inspection. Survey at small increase provides a wide type and a deep water of a field of the overview. Use of stronger increase during inspection allows the doctor to perform thorough inspection of fine details, for example, such as abnormal blood vessels.