Customers: Index - Expert center Construction and industry of construction materials Contractors: Akelon Product: Directum (EDMS/ECM system)Project date: 2010/01 - 2011/01
The Akelon company completed an implementation project of the DIRECTUM ECM system in the Center of judicial and non-state examinations "INDEX". Within the project processes of contractual management, office and management of legal cases were completely automated.
Proceeding from specifics of a company performance, in its activity there is a huge number of the interconnected processes (a contracted work, work with legal cases, preparation of expert opinions, etc.) which require to themselves permanent attention and timely control.
Due to the permanent growth of number of projects and need to control quality of execution of works for maintenance of the high level of the provided services, and, respectively, increase in number of such processes and intensity of document flow, for the leaders of the Center there was obvious a need of cardinal improvement of a system of work with documents, control of performing discipline and work progress.
As the Center conducts work with a large number of the state customers and also executes examinations on legal cases, importance of each paper document, need of their careful storage and tracking of timely return to the partner is very high.
The choice was caused by tasks of improvement of management of constantly growing company, timely response to a market change and improving competitiveness. The leaders of the Center of judicial and non-state examinations "INDEX" made the decision on implementation of a modern corporate system of electronic document management which would allow not only to organize electronic archive for storage of documentation (including design), but also to formalize and automate a number of business processes:
- contracted work;
- work with legal cases;
- office-work;
- control of performing discipline;
- preparation of expert opinions;
- etc.
The choice was performed on set of factors, such as:
- existence of ready-made technical solutions;
- existence of the worked implementation techniques;
- possibilities of flexible adaptation of solutions.
As a result of selection the DIRECTUM system was selected, and as the system integrator the Akelon company, the General partner of DIRECTUM company performing implementation on debugged methodology was selected.
Task analysis
Within the research in INDEKS expert center the working group of the Contractor and the Customer formulated the main objectives of implementation:
- automate work with the entering, outgoing and internal documents, transfer processes of office-work to an electronic form;
- increase efficiency of preparation and approval of contractual documents, to reduce the probability of loss of documents;
- automate processes of work with legal cases and carrying out expert works;
- adjust control of execution of instructions and completion dates of works on legal cases and agreements;
- organize archive storage of documentation, including design;
- make integration with the accounting system of 1C for binding of reference books "Partners" and "Register of Agreements", distribution of payments to agreements and legal cases and also comparisons of unallotted payments.
On the basis of these tasks and the analysis of business processes of the company the main requirements to a system on the basis of which the staff of Akelon developed technical specifications on implementation of DIRECTUM were formulated.
For management of contractual documents the module "Contract management" of the DIRECTUM system was completely customized according to business needs of the Customer.
All reference books of the module underwent modification, the main reference book "Agreements" was completely processed and a row new a component is created. For implementation of mailing of notifications on the appointed works on agreements and about overdue payments and emergence of debt specialized scenarios were created.
The separate specialized solution "Management of legal cases" was developed for management of legal cases.
Both of these solutions allow to maintain registers of agreements and legal cases, to control timely execution of works, to fix location of documents on projects and also to keep account of payments and debt. The DIRECTUM system partially replaced functions of the accounting system and allowed to make accounting of arrival of means under agreements and legal cases transparent and clear, the possibility of creation of reports on all payments in different cuts for the comprehensive analysis appeared.
For process automation of work with the entering, outgoing and internal documents the standard functionality of the module Office of the DIRECTUM system implemented in full accordance with GSDOU was used. This solution provided to the staff of the secretariat all required functionality, allowed to work effectively with documents and to quickly prepare the reporting.
At the beginning of the project it was supposed that integration of the DIRECTUM and 1S 7.7 system will be executed, but during its implementation already at a stage of trial operation the Customer made the decision on transition on 1C 8.2 for what it was required to carry out a number of extra works. Mechanisms of linking of records of reference books "Partners" and "Register of Agreements" with the corresponding records of reference books of DIRECTUM and also mechanisms of distribution and comparison of payments from 1C 8.2 on agreements and legal cases were developed.
Process automation of registration, approval and control of execution of the entering, internal and outgoing documents became results of system implementation of DIRECTUM in INDEKS expert center.
Contract management processes and judicial to affairs became more transparent and controlled for the guide at the expense of the automated control of terms of work to them and uses of monitors. The performing discipline increased, became possible to keep track of location of paper documents and to control need of their return from the partner.
For several employees full training courses on work with basic system modules of DIRECTUM, the module Office and the module "Contract management" were conducted. All staff of the company was trained to the basic principles of work with the DIRECTUM system. Also acquaintance of employees with solutions on legal cases and under agreements for their most effective use was carried out.
The DIRECTUM system was unrolled in workplaces of all employees and since the beginning of February, 2011 is brought into commercial operation.
The center of judicial and non-state examinations "INDEX" is going to support and develop the DIRECTUM system. Among perspectives of development there is a connection to the system of all branches that will allow to improve interaction with them and also to timely obtain up-to-date information, to accumulate the general knowledge base and clients of the company, to store history on each client.
Also development and deployment of difficult standard routes for end-to-end process automation of management of legal cases and agreements is planned. It will allow to formalize processes of management of legal cases and agreements and to integrate all separate operations performed within works on legal case or on the agreement in uniform process.
This development will provide complete transparency and controllability of process, control of completion dates of each of assigned tasks, will allow to estimate efficiency of each employee.
Also in the Center it is going to use actively RapID technology for fast identification of documents by means of barcodes.
Voloshchuk Sergey Dmitrievich, the CEO INDEKS expert center, so comments on the project: "Thanks to system implementation of DIRECTUM in our company employees had an opportunity to work in the general information space, interaction between departments improved. Significantly work with contractual documents and with documentation on legal cases became simpler, it became much simpler to heads of departments to trace work progress and to control terms. System implementation of DIRECTUM allowed to organize archive, to designate areas of responsibility of employees for document storage. It is very convenient that now there is an opportunity quickly to get access to any document and also to look at information on the one which of the staff of the company worked with it. In the long term we are going to connect to the DIRECTUM system other branches of the Center for improvement of interaction with them and joint accumulation of the knowledge base and base of clients".