Customers: Alfa-Bank Russia
Contractors: Russian Registr-Business Ekselens Product: Projects of external audit of IT and security (in tch PCI DSS and SUIB)Project date: 2014/10
At the end of October, 2014 Alfa-Bank received the certificate of conformity to ISO/IEC-20000-1:2011 standard behind number 14.1072.026. This document confirmed compliance of a system of management of IT services of bank to requirements of the international level regarding management of services in information technology field, reported CNews in Alfa-Bank.
Audit was booked by association on certification Russian Register — the Russian independent certification body of the systems of management, products and personnel.
As noted in Alfa-Bank, the history of development of process management in information technology field of bank originates in 2001. Compliance to ISO/IEC-20000-1:2011 standard guarantees to clients and partners of Alfa-Bank quality, continuity and safety of services according to requirements of the international level.