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Developers: Saia-Burgess Controls AG (SBC)
Last Release Date: October, 2014
Branches: Power

The Saia-Burgess Controls AG company (SBC) developed in the fall of 2014 a packet of templates for visualization of the Web Editor 8 application within the S-Monitoring direction. Using templates the programmer can expand the project with functions of monitoring of electrical energy or rebuild it from scratch. To the system integrators wishing to visualize energy consumption, open templates will help to save up to 2 weeks of engineering developments.

Market research and customers needs showed that when choosing a monitoring system of energy high initial costs are one of essential investment barriers. For the purpose of minimization of these expenses by SBC company the S-monitoring application which is good starting base for creation of accounting systems on the basis of the equipment Saia PCD is developed. Fixed assets of visualization of the S-Monitoring application are integrated in the form of templates in the editor of Web Editor 8 now. Effective engineering development provides more than a high value added to a product and guarantees to partners powerful competitive advantage. The SBC company is going to increase sales of power meters, Web panels and programmable logic controllers.

The design of templates is developed in cooperation with the design agency and is based on the new corporate style of SBC. For simplification of work with templates data in them are well structured. If necessary the SBC Rus company will provide more detailed data on this equipment and the software and also will consult on all technical issues. The SBC Rus company carries out not only standard, but also any special training courses on application of products of Saia-Burgess.