In MS Vestfaliya Gmbh LLC (Germany) the project on implementation of the 1C-Bitriks24 corporate portal is complete
Customers: MS Westfalia GmbH (MS Westphalia Gmbh) Troysdorf, Germany; Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care Contractors: 1C-KPD Product: 1C-Bitriks24Project date: 2014/12
Number of licenses: 180
In MS Vestfaliya Gmbh LLC (Germany) the project on implementation of the 1C-Bitriks24 corporate portal is complete. The project is implemented by forces of Department of information technologies of the company at point consulting of specialists of 1C-KPD company.
Choosing a Solution
The MS Vestfaliya Gmbh LLC company (Germany) has geographically distributed structure: the head office is located in Troysdorf (Germany), production – in Munich (Germany), there are representations in Moscow and Alma-Ata. With respect thereto there was a need for implementation of a resource which would allow to create a common information space of the organization and, at the same time, to arrange activity of divisions and employees, to increase decision making speed, to accumulate important internal information and to facilitate its search. The project team of the Moscow representative office of MS Vestfaliya Gmbh LLC (Germany), the initiator and the contractor of this implementation, stopped the choice on the 1C-Bitriks24 software product, edition "Corporate portal" as most meeting the stated requirements. Licenses were purchased in August, 2014. In September the staff of Department of information technologies started implementation.
Project Progress
During this project the 1C-Bitriks24 corporate portal was installed on the server of the company, integration with the accounting system "1C: Payroll and HR Management" was made. Its appearance under corporate style of the company was finished and changed. Implementation was made by forces of IT department of the company, and for rendering information, consulting and practical support specialists of 1C-KPD were attracted. By a practical part, in particular, specialists of 1C-KPD performed works on setup of parameters of network and video conference.
In November, 2014 the corporate portal was brought into commercial operation. In a system 100 users work. Now the staff of MS Vestfaliya Gmbh LLC (Germany) conducts works on further development of a corporate portal: in plans - implementation of functionality of project activity.
The corporate portal became unified information environment for working and internal corporate communications, having integrated the staff of the company with the geographically distributed structure having offices in Germany, Russia and Kazakhstan.
Alexey Batura, the deputy chief representative "MS Westphalia Gmbh" (Germany), commented: "Certainly, any dynamically developing company should think of effective communication between head office and territorially remote workers sooner or later. Each regional representative should feel a part of a uniform command, have an equivalent information access and also to see the strategy of the company and to understand the role in its development. These tasks are solved long ago by the western SharePoint platforms and relatively recently began to be solved domestic. From our point of view, Bitriks24 - one of leaders of the Russian software offering adequate price policy and effective functionality of the internal corporate website of the company. The certain shortcomings connected with product youth, of course, are present. Nevertheless, we are sure that their elimination - a trick".
Representatives of the company integrator reported TAdviser.