Customers: The Hudson Bar Contractors: OSMICards (OSMI) Product: OSMICards: PassbookProject date: 2014/12
December 10, 2014. The American bar Thehudsonbarna Belarusian started service of electronic cards of the client. Visitors of bar will be able to show to the waiter the card directly from the screen of the smartphone and also to learn online otekushchy balance. The OSMICards company, based on the OSMICards platform became provider of service for bar : Passbook.
Eric Withers, The Hudson Bar, sees the task to make use of the card of loyalty the most convenient and simple for the client: "In HudsonBar we aim to create for ours the posetiteleyobstanovka locating to a komfortnomuvremyaprovozhdeniye in the company, to companionship, sincere fun. And this mood does not want to be interrupted at any moment, even at the time of calculation. With input of the electronic Client cards will not spend time for search of the plastic card in a bag, or to remember, it took it or left at home. It is convenient, actually it is possible to forget about the card, – if you have with yourself phone, the card always with you! Transition to the electronic medium will accelerate process of information exchange from the card. The waiter will be able to soskanirovat a card barcode from the screen of the mobile phone directly near a table, and the client will see how there is accounting of bonuses, charge or write-off of points, etc. Using the card we can notify on actions, changes in the menu, events of bar. I hope, this innovation will be estimated by our visitors soon".
"Having made the decision to connect electronic cards, we agreed about purchase of the finished software product at once, and it is desirable at one provider who could render service in a complex. So quickly and qualitatively to integrate service into the cash system of bar, to train personnel, to provide the associated equipment and technical support. Fully OSMICards", - Eric Uiters conformed to all these requirements.
Representatives of the company integrator reported TAdviser.