Developers: | StarWind Software |
Last Release Date: | 2020/11/16 |
Technology: | Virtualization, DWH, Data processing centers are technologies for DPC |
Content |
Main articles:
StarWind Virtual SAN is the software solution for creation of failsafe storages on the iSCSI platform for virtual machines VMware vSphere and Microsoft Hyper-V.
2020: VSAN OVF Version 20201027 Version 8 (build 13861)
On November 16, 2020 the StarWind company announced release of product update in the form of the virtual module OVF based on Linux for VMware vSphere - VSAN OVF Version 20201027 Version 8 (build 13861).
General improvements and bagofiksa
- The core of the module Linux Kernel is updated.
- The iScsiPingCmdSendCmdTimeoutInSec setup is by default exposed in 5 seconds now.
- The corrected process of logging for notifications by email, now they do not mix up with the general events of the mail server.
- Operations on a stop of service are improved (earlier this process could podvisnut in certain circumstances).
- Implementation of the SCSI protocol for more correct processing of the UNMAP/TRIM commands is updated.
Improvements of synchronous replication
- Use option SMB spheres as witness resource for devices with synchronous replication is added.
- Processing of persistent reservations for devices with synchronous replication is corrected.
- Some cases of updating of a status of a partner node after recovery from split-brain situation are corrected.
Managing console (Management Console)
- Falling of the console when StarWind Event log contained records with incorrect line values is corrected.
- Dialog of settings of notifications by email is updated (validation is added and login password fields in the absence of need of authentication are hidden).
Module StarWindX PowerShell
- The feature for adding of HA devices in the Node Majority configuration is added. Now the StarWind node or a SMB sphere can be used as witness. It is possible to learn about it from examples of the scenarios CreateHAPartnerWitness.ps1 and CreateHASmbWitness.ps1 in more detail.
- Processing of the ALUA parameter for cmdlets on creation of the HA device is corrected.
Virtual SAN V8 (build 12585)
In October, 2018 StarWind Software released update of the product for creation of failsafe program storages under virtualization of StarWind Virtual SAN V8.
In Virtual SAN V8 (build 12585) of October 25 appeared:
- Virtual tape library VTL and functions of cloud replication (Cloud Replication)
- Support of tape LTO8 devices is added.
- The PowerShell commands for device management of VTL and the Cloud Replication settings are added.
- Demoversion of NVMf Target.
- Simple NVMf Target can be created in the demonstration purposes. The existing NVMf initiator can be used for connection with this target now.
- Simple RAM Disk and Flat Storage devices are supported now. For example, it is recommended to use the network adapters Mellanox RDMA-enabled with the last drivers from the producer.
- it is Also possible to use any other adapters which implement NetworkDirect API layer.
- Consider that installation process of StarWind VSAN rewrites the configuration file NVMf Target.
- For upgraded version request other license key - both for the Free edition, and for the trialny license.
- Improvements of synchronous replication.
- The problem when the processor (CPU) of a node of storage could be loaded for 100% of CPU is corrected. It occurred because in certain cases transport of clock channel could load one core of CPU completely. If the number of clock channels matched number of cores of CPU, service ceased to answer.
- Management Console changes.
- the Section of the help was permeshchen
- Other useful links were added in the Help menu.
- Improvements of a core.
- There was a pofikshena a problem when the service of a core Virtual SAN fell in systems with[1].
Updating of StarWind Virtual SAN v8 build 12146 and 12166
On May 30, 2018 the StarWind company announced release of updating of the solution for creation of program iSCSI-storages under virtualization - StarWind Virtual SAN.
In StarWind Virtual SAN v8 build 12146 and 12166 appeared:
- For the module Cloud Replication support of Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage appeared.
- For synchronous replication and the mode of service (maintenance mode) of an event, described in Event Log, became more detailed.
- The behavior of a cluster is a little changed - now at manual shutdown of two partner HA devices on the server the remained node drops out in a status of "not synchronized". Also if the HA device, and then a Witness-node drops out, then at return of a Wintness-node to online - the operability of a cluster is automatically recovered.
- Now there is no interval of 30 seconds between sending email notifications, it is also possible to change SMTP port.
- If the storage is created on the device which incorrectly announces the size of the physical sector, StarWind all the same allows to create it, but with warning.
- For control of the module VTL the functionality of StarWindX PowerShell appeared.
- For LSFS the problem on pre-V8R6 devices (at fullness given more than 1.2 TB there could be data loss at restart of service) was corrected. Also some problems of upgrade of LSFS from V8R5 release were corrected. Also the behavior of LSFS at high loads was improved (the procedure of defragmentation is changed).
- Support of the new version of the product StarWind VSA 2.0 was added to Management Console.
- The set of error corrections with HA devices, snapshots and[2] was made].
Rules of licensing StarWind Virtual SAN are changed
On March 15, 2015 the StarWind Software company announced change of rules of licensing of the product StarWind Virtual SAN.
A | B | C | D | |
1 | Licenses StarWind Virtual SAN and available functions / additions | |||
2 | Short description | StarWind Virtual SAN Standard | StarWind Virtual SAN Enterprise | StarWind Virtual SAN Datacenter |
3 | Up to 4 TB storages protected by synchronous replication (HA), allowing to create also one target of Non-HA with an unlimited capacity Creates up to 4 TB of synchronously replicated volumes (HA), allows for the creation of single targets (Non-HA) with an unlimited capacity. The license is not subject to upgrade | According to licenses, it is possible to create 2 or more nodes which are in the fault tolerance mode with an unlimited volume of storages. | The license for the website/data-center includes: - unlimited number of nodes, - unlimited capacity of storages. | |
4 | 1 year of a tekhpodderzha and updates (Annual Support and Maintenance, ASM) | |||
5 | Asynchronous / WAN replication | It is not included | Replication on the selected DR node or a passive node includes asynchronous (it is purchased as an option). | Replication on the selected DR node or a passive node includes asynchronous. |
6 | The technical support contract (ASM) for Asynchronous/WAN Replication by dates matches the basic contract on StarWind Virtual SAN ASM. | |||
7 | Scale-out Node function | It is not included | Allows installation of one more node with an unlimited capacity (both for targets of HA, and for Non-HA) for the purpose of replication within the existing cluster. Thekontrakt on technical support (ASM) for the Scale-Out function by dates matches the basic contract StarWind Virtual SAN ASM contract dates. | It is not included |
8 | Licensing of StarWind Virtual Tape Library (VTL) | |||
9 | Description | VTL Standard: it is limited to one node that allows to create Disk-Based Virtual Tape Libraries for the purposes of backup and disaster tolerance. Restriction - 4 TB tanks. | VTL Enterprise: it is limited to one node that allows to create Disk-Based Virtual Tape Libraries for the purposes of backup and disaster tolerance. There are no restrictions on capacity. | VTL Datacenter: it is limited to one node that allows to create Disk-Based Virtual Tape Libraries for the purposes of backup and disaster tolerance. The license extends on any quantity of nodes and has no restrictions on capacity. |
10 | 1 year of technical support and updates (Annual Support and Maintenance, ASM) |
StarWind completed certification on the Citrix XenServer 6.5 Certification program
On June 17, 2015 StarWind announced completion of certification of software within the Citrix XenServer 6.5 Certification program. The operability of the solution Virtual SAN is confirmed officially from the main three of vendors:
- VMware (it is entered to Hardware Compatibilty Guide)
- Microsoft (StarWind Virtual SAN is certified under Windows Server 2012 R2)
- Citrix (Virtual SAN is added to Hardware Compatibility List)
2014: Possibilities of StarWind Virtual SAN
Possibilities of StarWind Virtual SAN (for December, 2014)
- High availability with synchronous mirroring: 3-nodal cluster of high availability
- Automatic recovery after failure
- Recovery with fast synchronization
- Continuous data protection and instant pictures
- Asynchronous replication on WAN (accelerated): N+1 configuration
- Horizontally scalable NAS storage
- Global deduplication
- Thin reservation
- many other things
Scheme of interaction between nodes
Functionality of a product[3]
Возможности продукта | StarWind iSCSI SAN Free Edition (free) | StarWind Virtual SAN for VMware and Hyper-V | Комментарий |
Емкость хранилищ | Можно купить лицензию на 1 ТБ и расширять ее апгрейдами | ||
Размер допустимого к использованию кэша | Для коммерческой лицензии можно использовать всю память сервера под кэш | ||
Централизованное управление | Консоль бесплатного и коммерческого издания - одна. Апгрейд происходит с помощью ключа. | ||
Число серверов на лицензию | Для коммерческой лицензии можно использовать 3 узла при соблюдении лицензированной емкости. Подробнее тут. | ||
Число одновременных соединений по iSCSI | Обе версии позволяют неограниченное число клиентов. | ||
Число лицензированных портов Ethernet | Любые порты можно как угодно агрегировать и использовать. | ||
Число дисков хоста | Диски можно использовать в любой конфигурации. | ||
Техническая поддержка | Ограничена (только веб-форум) | Полная поддержка (уровень Standard или Premium) | Уровень Standard - время реакции 4-12 часов (почта, телефон), можно сделать апгрейд на премиум-поддержку. |
Отказоустойчивость узлов типа Active-Active |
Поддержка прозрачной для виртуальных машин отказоустойчивой конфигурации (как Failover, так и Failback). Для бесплатной версии - только для 128 ГБ. | |
Асинхронная WAN-репликация |
Возможность асинхронной репликации между узлами и возможность создания катастрофоустойчивого решения для хранилищ. Теперь также возможна репликация даже на очень медленных каналах | |
Использование ресурсов NAS/SAN |
Поддержка в качестве хранилищ как NAS, так и SAN-ресурсов. Утилита NAS Configurator - помогает сделать экспорт NFS/SMB-шары для использования в кластерах StarWind High Availability или MS Cluster. | |
Технология Disk bridge |
Технология эмуляции SCSI-слоя, что позволяет использовать любые типы хранилищ (PATA/SATA/RAID). |
Техника SPTI |
Техника, позволяющая соединять физические устройства с удаленными машинами. |
Хранение данных в виде файла образа (Image File) |
Хранение виртуальных дисков машин в виде файла. |
Поддержка технологии CDP и снапшотов |
Более подробно - тут |
Возможности Thin Provisioning (растущие по мере наполнения диски) |
Аллоцируется только необходимое для записей данных пространство диска. |
Технология High speed caching |
Использование памяти для защищенного и высокопроизводительного кэширования |
Сервисы мониторинга и нотификаций администраторов |
Единая консоль мониторинга происходящих с хранилищами событий и средство оповещения администраторов по email или SNMP. |
Дедупликация данных (собственный высокопроизводительный механизм) |
Inline-дедупликация StarWind не создает нагрузку на подсистему хранения и не "крадет" IOPS'ы у продуктивного хранилища. |
- ↑ NVMe Virtual SAN V8 devices (build 12585)
- ↑ [ the Updating of StarWind Virtual SAN V8 Build 12146 and 12166 storages
- ↑ of the Possibility of the StarWind Virtual SAN 8.0 editions