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Infotecs: Mobile Infooborot

The name of the base system (platform): MSVSphere
Developers: Infotecs
Date of the premiere of the system: 2015/01/19
Technology: EDMS

Mobile Infooborot - the solution is intended for safe remote work of mobile devices with a corporate ECM system.

On January 19, 2015 the companies NCPR also Infotecs announced release of the joint product "Mobile Infooborot".

The product is created on the basis of the Infoturnover WSWS platform from NCPR and the software package ViPNet Client for Android of production of Infotecs.

"Mobile Infooborot" – mobile version of the client application "Infoturnover WSWS", it helps to get remote access to corporate content and to work fully from portable devices. The software package ViPNet Client for Android ciphers IP traffic by means of GOST 28147-89 algorithm in the transparent mode, providing protection of information exchange of the application.

"Mobile Infooborot", according to developers, will help to increase many times efficiency and transparency of content management processes of the organization, to optimize work of employees, it is essential to reduce costs for office-work processes.

Main functionality

  • protection of the transmitted data on open communication links;

  • management of documents: creation of standard documents, their storage, modification, adding of comments, full-text search on contents, storage of the version history of documents, integration into office suites for editing without their loading on the local computer, etc.;

  • business process management: setup of simple rules of hands-off processing of documents, viewing task list of the specific user, use of signals and timers;

  • joint work: consolidation of users in groups, joint editing and discussion of documents in group, creation of the general calendars and the structured libraries, etc.;

  • management of mobile and social content: remote secure access to resources from mobile devices, holding marketing and advertizing campaigns on social networks, sending content to social networks one click.

Development Mobile Infooborot is available on mobile devices running Android OS supporting versions 4.2.x, 4.3.x and 4.4.x. The product passed test on devices of Samsung.