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Business Organizer BizOr

Developers: BizOr
Date of the premiere of the system: 2012
Last Release Date: 2015/03/03
Technology: BPM,  Time recording

1. Effective problem definition.

The single system of management "Business the Organizer BizOr" in which employees UNITEX work allowed to integrate the fundamental ideas of the company, to reach their implementation and to inform of strategic objectives non-management employees using the effective instrument of problem definition and assessment of effectiveness of their accomplishment. In the program BizOr the organization of remote interaction between the employee and the head with a double feedback is well constructed, the difficult hierarchical structure of company management is reproduced, approval mechanisms between departments and the system of acceptance and processing of requests by the servicing divisions are fixed. The thought-over customized system of roles meets our needs both for access rights restriction to tasks, and in the organization of joint work over projects. A system allows heads of different level to control onto the sequence of accomplishment of tasks and to delegate powers to the most active employees, helps to make the correct management decisions, to define priority activities. Each task in a system has only one contractor that promotes increase in the personal liability of employees for the performed work and success of results. "Business the Organizer" added the workflow systems (orders, protocols, technical specifications) which are already existing in the company, allowed to fix all orders and instructions not only on paper, but also in unified information environment. System implementation and regulation of work with it considerably increased self-organization of employees, each of which without effort is able to formulate and set own tasks and also monthly performs planning of the activity. As a result the abbreviation of LTP, "the personal creative plan" borrowed from design offices, raising first a smile at the senior generation firmly entered a lexicon of employees.

2. Control of plans, purposes and terms.

With a system BizOr in the company the performing discipline increased thanks to what substantial increase of efficiency of work became possible. Rational use of working time, in turn, favorably affected increase in profit of the company in general. The additional report on results of work in a system BizOr reflecting an adherence to deadlines of accomplishment of tasks, effectiveness totals, accomplishment of job responsibilities was entered into the existing system of employee assessment. To increase an indicator of successful accomplishment of assigned tasks, first of all, it is necessary to perform monthly, and if necessary and daily, work planning of each employee, without forgetting to pay at the same time also attention to the average and long-term projects important for all company. Such projects yield result not at once, but as showed experience, they provide development of the company and achievement of important strategic objectives. Thanks to system approach and automation of planning, projects in our company are executed without works involving all hands, with high quality and in required terms. The section of business planning of the program BizOr allowed to select process of preparation and approval of the annual business plan in the unified information system: on the basis of the business plans approved by the management planned KPI values of heads and staff of departments are set.

3. Achievement of the balanced indicators.

Some of secrets of success of our company by right can consider system implementation of key indicators of effectiveness of employees (KPI). A system gives the excellent chance quickly and objectively to estimate work of the employee for the reporting period of time, and first of all quality of result of the performed work, and not just amount. The program BizOr helps to keep the permanent analysis of compliance of set of individual key indicators of employees with the key financial performance of activity of the company, to adjust the KPI system in the conditions of change of a situation in the market and to observe one of the main axioms of business: "the award should be paid to employees from profit (margin)". In the Business Organizer program all change history of the KPI set and bonus payments in three years is saved. For this period the invaluable information allowing to trace stages of formation of the KPI system in UNITEX company, its gradual distribution "from top to down" on a structural ladder from the top management to the non-management employee was accumulated. As of today the KPI system in Business of Organizer completely reflects the strategy of the company. The advancing monthly and quarter indicators allow to diagnose quickly a course deviation or an imbalance in a system. Final semi-annual and annual figures indicate compliance to main goals of corporate strategy and what results are already achieved.

4. Formation of positive motivation of employees.

A system BizOr helped to reveal patterns of development both business in general, and features of separate processes, to develop motivation of employees for achievement of strategic objectives of the company and also own personal growth and improvement of material welfare. On the basis of the principles and algorithms underlain in BizOr we created an effective wage system. The correct motivation of employees directly influences customer satisfaction quality of the services and goods provided by us. Other important good point is decrease in laid on costs due to standardization and unification of management of the company. As a result it is expressed in decrease in cost value of the products released by us that positively affects competitiveness. Unfortunately, not all employees were ready to such innovations in a wage system, some of them made the decision to leave the company, however strict rules of business are like that. Today we have a team of well-motivated professionals who are not afraid of the hard-hitting purposes and are able to achieve result in accurately discussed time.

5. Employee involvement, focused on the most qualitative result of work.

Many years in our company follow the developed traditions of the attentive attitude towards the employee, fair remuneration of work, observance of arrangements between the head and subordinates to it people, about a procedure of payments and a bonus level. The Business Organizer program allows to approve and record all "rules of the game" prior to execution of works therefore the employee can independently calculate the amount of the salary taking into account results of work!


there Was a new version of the Business Organizer program

On March 3, 2015 the BizOr company announced a release of the new version of the Business Organizer system.

Screenshot of the program, 2014

In the new version of the program the functionality gained development:

  • the system of office correspondence is improved,
  • graphic display of subtasks of the project,
  • control automation by terms of tasks.

At change of terms of one of tasks, terms of the connected tasks, according to the set conditions automatically change, and notices are sent to their participants.

  • Check of a task of a salary of the employee and the corresponding basic coefficients is implemented at printing of the report on KPI. If these data are not set, the window in which it is possible to set missing data opens.
  • The appearance and functionality of a window of notifications is improved,
  • The informational content of notifications is increased.