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Gunnebo SpeedStile tourniquets

Developers: Gunnebo
Date of the premiere of the system: January, 2015
Technology: ACS - Control and management systems for access

The Gunnebo company released at the beginning of 2015 double-wing oar tourniquets of SpeedStile which are provided by two lines — FLS and FLS DS differing with design of execution and the system of illumination. All new products are intended for management of movement of people on inputs and exits of different organizations within a control system of access or is autonomous, and provide pass speed to 40 people a minute. It should be noted that from a variety of models of the SpeedStile series it is possible to select the most suitable pedestal tourniquets with chatter-free width of 600 mm or 900 mm and with shutters from the tempered glass or acrylic. Besides, on an operation algorithm the pedestal Gunnebo models can be normal and open or normal closed.

On an operation algorithm tourniquets of the SpeedStile series are subdivided into normal and open (NO) models and normal closed (NC) between which difference consists in provision of shutters in the rest mode. In other words, pedestal tourniquets of NO of type are constantly open and are blocked only in case of violation of the mode of pass or attempt of simultaneous pass of several people, and the NZ models of type will be closed until receive the resolving signal from the ACS controller of an unblocking, and time of return of a shutter to home position can individually be programmed. It is important to note that all pedestal models of the SpeedStile FLS series are supplied with the system of the disturbing notification.

Thanks to stylish design of construction new tourniquets of Gunnebo will perfectly fit into an interior of modern business centers, and their functionality will allow to organize the managed and bidirectional movement of people in a standalone mode or under control of a centralized system of access. These pedestal tourniquets have a frame and a rotor from high-quality stainless steel, and are delivered with the shutters executed of 10 mm of the tempered glass or acrylic (as an option). For an upper part of the body of pedestal models covers, different on design, which can be made, for example, of steel or an artificial stone are issued.

The chatter-free width at models of a line SpeedStile FLS makes 600 mm or 900 mm, and length of their racks — 1200, 1400 or 1800 mm. It is important to note that "wide" tourniquets completely conform to the international requirements of the organization of pass of physically disabled people and can be combined with standard 600-millimeter models for work in a single system. At the same time capacity which is provided by oar pedestal tourniquets depends on the organization of pass on a specific object and like the reader devices installed in them. So, for example, if pedestal devices are equipped with proximity-readers, then they are capable to pass to 40 people a minute in any directions.

The functionality of Gunnebo SpeedStile includes the disturbing notification of protection in attempts of pass through a tourniquet of two and more people closely or towards each other, identification of a non-authorized access using the IR sensors installed in two ends of each rack of the device which also guarantee open position of shutters at long stay of the person in a pass zone, etc. Besides, all pedestal tourniquets of a new series have LED indicators with icons "a green arrow", "a red cross" and "green card" on a rotor part which are complemented with illumination on hand-rail. The average time between failures of the NZ and NO pedestal models of type makes 4 and 5 million cycles, respectively.

Positioning accuracy of shutters in Gunnebo SpeedStile FLS guarantees the microprocessor which is built in a tourniquet, and their reliable and correct functioning is provided by special photo cells. At the same time the speed of opening and closing of shutters can be regulated on each object individually. At power off pedestal tourniquets will leave shutters in the current provision therefore for pass through them it is enough to push from itself the blocking elements. At the same time, when using the optional rechargeable battery, pedestal devices allow to organize automatic turn of shutters in provision "openly" at shutdown of the centralized power supply.