Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

InterBank Factoring

The name of the base system (platform): InterBank RS
Developers: R-Style Softlab
Date of the premiere of the system: January, 2015
Branches: Trade,  Financial services, investments and audit
Technology: EDMS

The R-Style Softlab company announced in January, 2015 development of the IT system for automation of factoring transactions — InterBank Factoring. The solution provides a full stroke of exchange of documents in electronic form between all participants of process of factoring transactions: supplier (enterprise), debtor (shop), factoring company.

Using the new product R-Style Softlab factoring companies will be able to provide to the clients (to representatives large and SMB business) the convenient online service including following features:

  • Creation in the system of different documents: invoices, registers and universal and transfer documents (UTD), laid on TORG-12;
  • Signing of documents electronic signature (ES);
  • Document transfer in factoring company;
  • Display of up-to-date information and limits of current agreements;
  • Obtaining acts of the performed works and invoices;
  • Reporting in real time: about a current status of the agreement, limits of debtors, financing of deliveries, monitoring of debt of debtors, transactions for the period, payments, the added commission, deliveries for the period, etc.;
  • Interaction with FTS, RPF, other government institutions and electronic document management systems.

The developed system is implemented on the basis of the universal platform — InterBank RS used by the company for creation and development of finance applications in the field of remote service and interaction (a class the client bank and bank bank). She supports the distributed document flow and has ample opportunities for visualization.

"Exchange of documents when financing under a concession of the rights of requirements at accounts receivable management takes away considerable time and attracts operating costs. Automation will help to solve a problem — Zhurikhin Pavel, the director of the department of the systems of electronic banking of R-Style Softlab noted. — Our solution provides transparency of the course of the factoring transaction and convenience of control of primary documents, reduces time for the conclusion and service of the contract, helps factoring companies to provide to clients available service".