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EMC Documentum Content Server

The name of the base system (platform): Documentum
Developers: Dell EMC
Last Release Date: 2014/12/15
Technology: EDMS,  Server platforms

EMC Documentum Content Server is a uniform repository of metadata and contents (unstructured information of different formats of representation) as a part of which service of management of contents and service of process management.

Stack of processes, 2014

Services of process management

  • Technology processes

The model of workflows EMC Documentum allows the user to develop the procedural and event applications intended for management of documents. The model supports both production, and specialized processes. The user can define technology processes for separate documents, for the folders containing document groups and also for virtual documents. Determination of technology process may contain the simple and difficult sequences of tasks (including with dependences). The users having the appropriate rights of access can change technology processes directly during their accomplishment. Notifications of technology processes and events automatically go on the standard systems e-mail, and documents remain under control of the protected server. Determinations of technology processes are stored in a repository that allows the user to start several processes on the basis of one determination.

  • Lifecycles

Many documents at the enterprise submit to precisely certain lifecycle. The document is created in the beginning (most often a framework of a certain development process and reviewing), then used then the document or is cancelled in connection with release of its new edition, or it is cancelled. Services of management of lifecycle of EMC Documentum Content Server allow to automate stages of lifecycle of the document. Lifecycle of the document is defined as an object of lifecycle (lifecycle) and is implemented by an internal image in the form of an object of dm_policy (policy). In an object of policy lifecycle stages are defined. For each stage the user can define necessary initial conditions and actions which need to be executed before transition of an object to the next stage.

Services of management of contents

  • Storage and extraction

EMC Documentum Content Server serves as a uniform repository for contents and metadata. EMC Documentum Content Server uses the expanded object-oriented model for storage of contents and metadata in a repository. All information in a repository is stored in a type of objects. Metadata for each object are stored in tables of basic SURBD. The files of contents connected with an object can be stored in file systems, in basic SURBD, in associative storage systems or on secondary storage devices. In the estimated configuration files of contents will be stored in basic SURBD. Files of contents can have any of different formats — the text, images, spreadsheets and other formats.

  • Version control

One of the most important functions of a management system for contents is control and tracking of several versions of one document. For accomplishment of these EMC Documentum Content Server functions locates powerful opportunities of automatic control of versions. The principle of tags of versions is the cornerstone of management tools versions. Each document in a repository has an implicit tag which is appointed the server, and the symbolical tags which are usually appointed by the responsible user. Using these tags EMC Documentum Content Server manages several versions of one document.

  • Dictionary of data

The dictionary of data stores information on types and objects attributes in a repository. This information can use client applications for application of business rules or transfer of help data to users. The dictionary of data supports several language standards, and for convenience of users the most part of information it is possible to localize. During installation EMC Documentum Content Server is configured an initial set of information of the dictionary of data.

  • Assembly and publication

For management of contents and process managements are used virtual documents which allow to connect separate documents in larger. The separate document can belong to several virtual documents. When the responsible user changes the separate document, this change is shown in each virtual document containing the changeable document. The user can collect any documents which are contained in the virtual document for the publication or viewing. The responsible user can integrate functions of assembly and the publication with popular commercial text editors and means of the publication. Perhaps dynamic management of assembly according to business rules and on the basis of the data which are stored in a repository.