Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2
2015/01/30 16:33:10

Rules of use and storage of readers

As well as any other gadgets, electronic readers demand careful attitude and leaving. We prepared several secrets using which it is possible to prolong the reader's life:

1. Protect the reader from accidental breaks and blows. This council is especially relevant for those who read in way, and the reader in a pocket or a bag often carries. Accessories – tough covers and covers will help to save the device. And the protective film will ensure safety of the screen.

2. At least weekly wipe the screen with soft fabric. Very well microfiber is suitable for cleaning of the screen. Also for this purpose it is possible to use wet towel wipes which impregnation does not contain alcohol. Not many know that the surface of the screen can be damaged from contact with aggressive fluids – alcohol, acetone or other solvents. After use of wet towel wipes we advise to wipe the screen dry.

3. Refrain from reading in places with the increased humidity. Many cannot refuse in pleasure to read to themselves, taking the weakening bath. However steam can get into the device and be condensed, leading to breakdown. Naturally, this council does not concern moisture-proof PocketBook640 model with which it is possible to dive safely on depth up to 1 meter!

4. To provide durability of the battery we recommend once, to load right after purchase of the reader it definitely. As soon as the e-book reports that the accumulator is discharged, it is necessary to charge completely the device in the switched-off status within 8-12 hours.

5. It is not recommended to allow complete discharge of the battery. Li-ion accumulators have no so-called memory effect therefore them it is possible and it is even necessary to load, without waiting for discharge to zero.

6. The reader partially the charged is better to store. Ideal conditions for long storage of the li-ion cell is the level of a charge from 30 to 50 percent at a temperature about 15 °C.

7. You should not allow overheating of the device – it is necessary to protect the reader from direct sunshine and also not to leave it in close proximity to heat sources, for example, of electric heaters.

These simple rules will help to save the reader in perfect tune for many years.