Customers: Seguranсa Taxi Aereo Contractors: DMWorks Systems Product: DMReportsProject date: 2015/01
The air Taxi uses DMReports as Decision making support system
DMWorks Systems completed DMReports implementation - the systems of the Business intelligence and the Operational Reporting in Seguranca Taxi Aereo company which specializes in rendering services in the field of the air taxi for corporate clients and travel for personal reasons.
DMReports is used by Segurança Taxi Aéreo company as decision making support system, also as the platform for the operational reporting.
Using DMReports a top management and directors of the company have an opportunity to build and work with analytical panels for carrying out the analysis of key performance indicators of the company, such as cash flow and profitability by different criteria, the analysis of dynamics and development/decline of activity in general and in the areas of work, comparison of efficiency of routes, etc.
Thanks to support of different report types (including standard multipage documents, the interactive OLAP tables, different analytical panels), specialists of the company use DMReports for the daily purposes of work with information, for example, for generation of plans of flights, lists of the performed and cancelled flights, lists of passengers of flight and many other things.
The interactive dashbord constructed using DMReports is updated each 5 minutes and helps the staff of the company to monitor activity of work of flights.