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In "WEB LEASING" the project of stress testing and optimization of operation of the IC on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform is complete

Customers: WEB LEASING

Moscow; Financial services, investments and audit

Contractors: Homnet Leasing
Product: Homnet Leasing (a software package for the leasing companies)
На базе: 1C:Enterprise 8.3

Project date: 2013/09
In 2013, within development of an information system, the project on transfer of the information system "Homnet Leasing 8" to the new version of the software package "Homnet Leasing 14" was implemented. In the company also the accounting cash the module of the industrial system "Homnet Leasing Accounting" is used for maintaining boom.

February 4, 2015. In VEB-leasing company the works on stress testing and increase in technology quality of the information system constructed based on industry solution for leasing Homnet Leasing on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform are completed. A system is intended for automation of a full stroke of a company performance, starting with the conclusion of transactions and finishing with preparation of the regulated reporting. The project is implemented by forces of specialists Homnet Leasing under technical monitoring of developers of 1C Company within the project "Centers of Corporate Technology Support" (CCTS).

The information system of VEB-leasing company is constructed based on industry solutions for leasing on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform: "Homnet Leasing 8" for conducting management accounting, "Homnet Leasing of Accounting" for conducting regulated accounting and the system of own development Front office for remote work of staff of the company.

Due to the intensive growth of the company, development of regional network, increase in portfolio of agreements and staff and, therefore, expected by significant increase in load of an information system, the management "WEB LEASING" the decision on initiation of the "Stress Testing and Increase in Technology Quality of an Information System" project was made.

Main objective of the project was determination of an opportunity and the directions of optimization of a system for ensuring the guaranteed level of availability and scalability of a system for the following conditions:

  • "Homnet Leasing 8" on 1000 users,
  • "Front office" on 3000 users,
  • "Homnet Leasing Accounting" on 100 users,
  • The amount of the processed agreements of leasing — 500,000.

The project was executed by forces of specialists of Homnet Leasing company under technical monitoring of developers of 1C Company within the project "Centers of Corporate Technology Support" (CCTS). During the project the following works were performed:

  • carrying out stress testing of databases on the set loading,
  • measurement of performance of accomplishment of key operations on a technique of APDEX at test loading,
  • analysis and monitoring of load of the equipment;
  • optimization of a system,
  • measurement of performance of accomplishment of key operations on a technique of APDEX at test loading after optimization.

As a result of small optimization the overall level of system performance by a technique of APDEX was estimated on assessment "well".

"The command "Homnet Leasing' showed the high level of competence and an expert component at accomplishment of so difficult project on stress testing of a system on 3000 users. At the moment with a software package which information systems "Homnet Leasing Accounting' enter "Homnet Leasing' and "Front office', at the same time works up to 1000 users and more than 40,000 transactions are processed" — Anatoly Zlobin, the head of department of development and support of software products of VEB-leasing company notes.
"Summing up the results, it is possible to tell with confidence that we are completely satisfied with the achieved results. Also are sure that our software package is ready to significant increase in loading — can service more than 1000 at the same time working users and accompany not less than 500,000 leasing transactions a year that is confirmed with results of tests and firm "1C'" — Yaroslav Bakulin, the CIO of VEB-leasing company comments on project deliverables.

Representatives of the company integrator reported TAdviser.