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SAP HANA Big Data Intelligence rapid-deployment solution (RDS)

Developers: SAP SE
Date of the premiere of the system: 2015/02/06
Technology: BI,  Big Data,  Data Mining,  Data processing centers are technologies for DPC

SAP HANA Big Data Intelligence rapid-deployment solution is the fast deployed solution for simplification and simplification of collecting, the analysis and data visualization from different sources.

On February 6, 2015 the SAP SE company announced release of the fast deployed solution (Rapid Deployment Solution, RDS) SAP HANA Big Data Intelligence.

The fast deployed SAP solution HANA Big Data Intelligence simplifies collecting, the analysis and data visualization from different sources. A system has all advantages of the in-memory SAP HANA platform, solution for processing of flows of difficult events of SAP Event Stream Processor, supports use of the SAP IQ database, the Apache Hadoop tools.

Components of the SAP HANA Big Data Intelligence rapid-deployment solution platform, 2015

Having a possibility of processing of a broad spectrum of data types and scenarios, the enterprises with the integrated platform have an opportunity in real time to use possibilities of the analysis, aggregation and visualization of important business data.

As a part of RDS SAP HANA Big Data Intelligence templates for standard scenarios of use of Big Data. This functionality will help to get immediately to work that considerably cuts down expenses and increases investment payback speed.

Content, ready to use, is provided in the solution RDS for scenarios of flow analysis (stream intelligence), moods (sentiment intelligence) and signals (signal intelligence). Flow analysis allows to monitor the entering events, to receive instant notifications and to predict jumps of attendance of important websites in real time. The analysis of moods helps to gain clear idea of the most significant moods of audience on the basis of which it is possible to create the flexible and personalized approach to work with clients. The analysis of the signals received from the devices connected to the Internet helps to predict the need for maintenance and gives an idea of a status of a production equipment and transformers in technical premises.

"SAP HANA Big Data Intelligence will help our clients as fast as possible and to begin to work effectively with Big Data — Dmitry Shepelyavy, the deputy CEO of SAP CIS said. — Performance of the SAP HANA platform and the powerful functionality put in this solution in the form of the preconfigured templates and scenarios allows to implement any problems of processing of Big Data, using them for business development and achievement of real competitive advantages".