In Russia the first national system of ensuring independent operation of the airports is started
Customers: Nalchik airport Contractors: Zamar AG Product: Zamar UDPS (Universal Departure Platform Solution)Project date: 2014/12
In Russia there began work the first national system of independent operation of the UDPS airports providing smooth functioning of nodes of air transport even at the turned-off Internet access. Universal Departure Platform Solution as which developer IT-kompaniya Zamar AG acted, – an advanced domestic analog of the CUTE platform (Common Use Terminal Equipment). However, as emphasize in the management of Zamar AG, the Russian development which is specially adapted for comfortable work in domestic market exceeds the foreign competitor by a number of technical parameters.
"The UDPS system is installed in directly at the airport and does not depend on existence or lack of communication with a primary server. At the same time all equipment, channels of communication and technical support services are located directly in the territory of the Russian Federation that allows to save personal data of our citizens within the country and not to be afraid of violation of work of air harbors because of introduction of the anti-Russian sanctions", – Kabilov Zafar, the area director of Zamar AG across Russia and the CIS tells.
The Nalchik city airport became the first Russian node of air transport which completely passed to the software of UDPS.