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Personnel management system implementation based on software "PARUS Enterprise 8 SE" in DNB Bank

Customers: DNB Bank

Murmansk; Financial services, investments and audit

Contractors: IT Consulting
Product: Parus Enterprise

Project date: 2013/12  - 2014/09


Project Tasks

Specialists of JSC DNB Bank since 2003 used the software product (further – software) "PARUS Enterprise 7" for automation of settlings with personnel on compensation and registration of personnel. In software "PARUS Enterprise 7" functions on payroll, reporting by settlings with personnel on compensation in external and internals were automated. The circuit "The personnel and the staff list" was used by software "PARUS Enterprise 7" in "DNB Bank" only for the purpose of registration in the System of orders on personnel. The 1C system was applied to accounting of all data on employees.

In the middle of 2013 the staff of "DNB of Bank" made the decision on implementation of a single system of personnel management using software "PARUS Enterprise 8 SE". The task was set to specialists of IT Consulting LLC (the group "IT Polyus") – the general partner of Parus Corporation across Murmansk region. The new personnel management system had to increase quality and efficiency of processing of user queries and to lower labor and time expenditure on processing of primary documents, to increase labor productivity of staff of service of personnel management and accounting.

Also need to create the convenient management tool user rights on protection against unauthorized access, to provide storage and processing of all data on personnel in a common information space, to increase reliability of data storage, to exclude duplication of storage and data entry was particularly acute.

Project Steps

In December, 2013 – January, 2014 information and technology expertize is carried out. The project team specified the list of tasks of personnel management, determined algorithms of calculation of a remaining balance of holidays by all considered types and types.

The regulations of data transfer from legacy systems were developed, approved and approved; the technology analysis and methodological diagnostics of the database of the existing information systems is carried out; the list of the accounting, documentary and dictionary sections which are subject to converting in a new system is created and approved; the list of additional functions, procedures and report forms for implementation of the non-standard business processes of bank which are subject to implementation at a stage of customization of a system is created.

The next stage performed works on converting of data from legacy systems: all data on the salary of employees of the bank from software "Parus Enterprise 7" are transferred, data on employees of the bank from 1C in volume of personal T-2 card are converted.

At the beginning of April, 2014 specialists of JSC DNB Bank had an opportunity to make all calculations with personnel for compensation in a new system.

Works on customization of a system were carried out to the period from April, 2014 to September, 2014:

  • all document forms on accounting of personnel according to the forms approved in bank are developed;
  • the standard functionality of a system whenever possible of accounting of holidays is expanded. The convenient register of calculation of a remaining balance of unused vacation days for the main holiday, additional vacation for work in the conditions of Far North and unrationed working conditions is developed;
  • the procedure of unloading from software "PARUS-Enterprise 8SE" of postings on the accrued payroll of employees and its transfer on checking accounts for the purpose of automatic loading in an internal system of financial and economic and primary activity of bank is developed;
  • the set of methodical materials on all completions is developed.

Project Effect

All users underwent individual instructing in work in a new system and effectively fulfill the functional duties using the single database of personnel management using the modules "Payroll", "Personnel Management and Staff List" of the PARUS-Enterprise 8SE system. A system is on subscriber support of IT Consulting LLC.

Customer Feedback on the Project

Head of the HR department of JSC DNB Bank N.A. Berezhnaya: "We highly appreciate work of a project team and we thank IT Consulting for successful project implementation".