Customers: Volgograd VGTZ engineering company Volgograd; Mechanical engineering and instrument making Contractors: Inform Standard Product: Solid EdgeНа базе: Siemens Velocity Series Project date: 2013/09
Volgograd Engineering Company VGTZ LLC – the Russian developer and the producer of airborne fighting vehicles. Enters "The machine-building and industrial group "Tractor Plants Concern". At the enterprise the scheme of interaction of information systems consists of several a component: Solid Edge, 1C:PDM and [1]. From a management system for engineering data 1C:PDM specifications and process charts on a product which are transferred further to 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management automatically form. The PLM component which is built in a CAD system allows to carry out collective work on models and drawings of a projectible product, and 1C:PDM acts as a management system for collective development.