Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2
Dvoryanenko Vadim Konstantinovich
Dvoryanenko Vadim Konstantinovich


Vadim Konstantinovich Dvoryanenko was born in Sevastopol, in family of hereditary naval officers.

In 1984 became the graduate of the Black Sea highest naval school of P.S. Nakhimov where received qualification of the engineer of missile armament.

In 1992 Vadim Dvoryanenko got second higher education in Diplomatic academy of Military academy of the Soviet Army.

Since 2010 Dvoryanenko held a position of the project manager in the field of information and analytical providing the communications industry where he gained experience of interaction with industry authorities and profound knowledge of the federal legislation and administrative legal mechanisms of management of the industry.

On June 25, 2014 according to the order of the city governor of Sevastopol No. 227, Vadim Dvoryanenko was appointed to a post of the head of department of information technologies and communications of the city. Management was a part of Department of transport, communication and tourism.

"Creation in Sevastopol of the uniform telecom operator will become the priority set for Management of the governor, – Vadim Dvoryanenko told.

At the first stage he will render services of the fixed telephone communication and broadband access to federal and city authorities, public institutions, including the Black Sea Fleet.

The management will also be engaged in development and implementation of state programs, in particular, in the field of informatization of such social spheres as security, health care, education and others. It will allow to make the city more attractive to tourists, and life in it is more convenient and safer.

Among the stated plans there was a creation of the website of public services of the city of Sevastopol. Reduction of the regional regulatory base on work of telecom operators and providing services by them in compliance with the Russian legislation, creation of competitive environment and non-discriminatory access to a communications infrastructure became an urgent task also".