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BioLink Solutions implemented BioTime in network of boutiques MARGO (city of Sochi)

Customers: Margo Retail network of Sochi (Margo)

Sochi; Trade

Contractors: BioLink Solutions
Product: BioLink BioTime

Project date: 2015/09

March 12, 2015. The BioLink Solutions company announced implementation of a biometric system of accounting of working time of BioTime in network of boutiques MARGO (city of Sochi). This system works in nine shops of network and covered more than hundred employees.

It was going to use the most widespread biometric technology — identification on fingerprints. Scanning a print, the employee notes arrival time for work and leaving from it; unlike the card or a charm it is impossible neither to forget the biometric identifier, nor to lend that guarantees accomplishment of the main requirement to a time recording — ensuring its reliability.

Choosing a Solution

At first in MARGO network the system of other vendor was installed, but it did not equal hopes: fingerprints were scanned very long, and often were not distinguished at all. Therefore the decision to pass to the BioLink BioTime system taking the leading positions in the Russian market was made. It is operated more than in 6300 companies, is completely adapted for specifics and needs of domestic customers and is the complete solution which is effectively operating in any scales (from small and medium business to retail chain stores with thousands of employees).

Project Progress

Migration on a biometric system of accounting of working time of BioLink BioTime took place in two stages and now is fully completed. On a response of the customer, this system functions in scales of all corporate network, steadily and quickly; integration of BioTime into the 1C Platform is recognized especially valuable. The data on a time recording exported from BioTime to 1C are used for payroll, awards and for other methods of stimulation of personnel.

"We accept quality and speed of work of the biometric BioTime system and its components — program and hardware (fingerprint scanners BioLink U-Match 3.5) — the deputy CEO of MARGO network Nikita Polyakov says. — This system provides control of efficiency of use of the most valuable resource — working time of personnel that, in turn, promotes quality improvement of service of buyers, increase in sales volumes and the amounts of the average check".
"Personnel the large network or convenience store plays a key role in activity of any trade enterprise, whether it be. The time recording allows to estimate a contribution of each employee, and it is important that this accounting was technological, reliable and versatile, and the data obtained as a result could then it is easy to be used in other managerial systems. Implementation of BioTime just also happened in MARGO network according to such scenario" — the CEO of BioLink Solutions company Konstantin Sorokin comments on success of the new project.

Representatives of the company integrator reported TAdviser.