Customers: Investgeoservice, Group Moscow; Consulting, including managerial and personnel Contractors: KoderLine Product: 1C: Enterprise 8.0Second product: 1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2.0 Project date: 2014/03 - 2015/09
Number of licenses: 50
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The Following Functions Were Automated:
- Purchases (supply) and vendor relationship management
- Order placement to suppliers
- Personnel management and personnel records (HRM)
- Payroll calculation
- The regulated reporting
- Sales management, logistics and transport (SFM, WMS, TMS)
- Warehouse and logistics
- Connection of the warehouse equipment
- Management of warehouse stocks
- Finance, management accounting, monitoring of indicators
- Budgeting, financial planning
- Management accounting
- Financial analysis
- Delivery and installation of the delivery of ITS to a workplace of the user is monthly performed
- Consultation on technical issues of work with software products of 1C is performed
- Preferential support of 1C:ITS is issued (for the first 3/6 months since the beginning of operation of 1C: Enterprise of PROF version)
- At the request of the user the selection of consulting and methodical materials from an information system of the ITS PROF is performed
- High technology production requires appropriate level of management. The need for a modern automated system of management accounting for non-productive divisions, irrelevance of a production scheduling system at the enterprise served as the reasons of implementation of the software product 1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2.0.
The Koderlayn company was selected for work on automation.
- The system implementations following the purpose are defined:
- Improvement of a production scheduling system
- Automation of management accounting in all divisions of the enterprise
- Consolidation of management accounting in one software package.
- Proceeding from all purposes and the reasons of automation the management of the enterprise selected for a basis the software product of 1C company 1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2.0 as there is experience with the software of the previous generation, is available technology support and updating of the software product under changes of the Russian legislation is timely, there is a possibility of completion, adaptation of functionality under requirements of the enterprise.
- First of all functions of a warehouse, namely warehouse transactions on a holiday and acceptance of materials and finished goods from warehouses of the enterprise were automated. Harmonious work of a warehouse with other divisions of the enterprise, and also partners is as a result organized.
- For start of this functionality works on software installation on jobs are carried out, parametrical tuning of a system is performed, training is made, the original informatin is brought, the maintenance and support of work of users is provided.
The following activities were as a result automated:
- Budgeting, financial planning;
- Financial analysis;
- Management accounting
- Payroll calculation
- The regulated reporting
- Order placement to suppliers.
- Management of warehouse stocks
- Connection of the warehouse equipment.
- First of all functions of a warehouse, namely warehouse transactions on a holiday and acceptance of materials and finished goods from warehouses of the enterprise were automated. Harmonious work of a warehouse with other divisions of the enterprise and also partners is as a result organized.
As a result of 9/29/2014 advanced functionality of the accounting system based on the software product "1C:Enterprise 8. ERP Enterprise management 2.0" was brought into commercial operation. Thus, the task of improvement of a production scheduling system facing the enterprise was solved with the help "1C:Enterprise 8. ERP Enterprise management 2.0".
The Following Tasks Were Performed:
- Consultations on the choice of the software and options of its maintenance
- Sale of the selected software products
- Delivery of software products in office of the customer
- Software installation on the customer's computers