Customers: CTI (СиТиАй) Communications. Technology. Innovations.
Contractors: Homnet Consulting Product: 1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2.0На базе: 1C:Enterprise 8.3 Project date: 2014/03 - 2015/02
Number of licenses: 200
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The Following Functions Were Automated:
- Purchases (supply) and vendor relationship management
- Order placement to suppliers
- Purchase planning
- Accounting of arrival of Inventories
- Personnel management and personnel records (HRM)
- Payroll calculation
- Sales management, logistics and transport (SFM WMS TMS)
- Sales (sale), service, marketing
- Settlement with buyers
- Wholesale
- Order placement of buyers
- Sales planning
- Calculation of normative cost value of orders
- Pricing, price lists
- Warehouse and logistics
- Reservation of Inventories
- Management of warehouse stocks
- Finance, management accounting, monitoring of indicators
- Budgeting, financial planning
- Cash management (treasury)
- Accounting is accounting, tax, budget, including the regulated reporting
- Accounting
- Bank and cash desk
- Fixed assets
- Production operations
- Payroll calculation and personnel records
- Settlings with partners
- The regulated reporting
- Inventory items
- Trade operations
- Tax accounting
- Delivery and installation of the delivery of ITS to a workplace of the user is monthly performed
- Works on updating of the platform and standard configurations, diagnostics of a status of information base, creation of archive copies are monthly performed
- The Internet version of ITS and Internet services of ITS is used
- Consultation on methodical questions of work with the program of 1C is performed
- Consultation on technical issues of work with software products of 1C is performed
- The paid agreement 1C:ITS is issued
- Preferential support of 1C:ITS is issued (for the first 3/6 months since the beginning of operation of 1C: Enterprise of PROF version)
- At the request of the user the selection of consulting and methodical materials from an information system of the ITS PROF is performed
- Setup and check of access to the Internet version of ITS and to Internet services "Ask a Question to the Line of Consultations of 1C", "Ask a Question to the Auditor" is made
- Setup and check of access to the website of user support is made
- Individual or group training to work with an information system of ITS is made
- Monthly acquaintance of users with new materials of the ITS PROF is made
- Updating of the platform and the standard configurations "1C: Enterprise", diagnostics of a status of information base, creation of archive copies is made
"СиТиАй" and Homnet Consulting began cooperation within the project of replacement of the existing information system of management accounting ("1C: Trade 7.7") accounting ("1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management") in 2014. The company management was not satisfied with the existing status of information systems – the conflicts and mistiming of data and business processes led to duplication of information, the same data obtained from the different systems differed, there was no understanding what information is reliable, not all business processes were automated.
Having analyzed this problem, Homnet Consulting suggested to implement as a key ERP system the solution "1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2.0" on the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform.
The implementation project meant replacement of an outdated information system regarding managerial, accounting and tax accounting new based on a technology platform "1C: Predpriyatiye8.3" with creation of necessary integration mechanisms.
Criteria of success when replacing an information system will be:
- Single input of all primary and personnel documentation;
- Subsystem of centralized operation of NSI;
- Existence of the automated tools for planning of income and expenses, cash flows, tools for their control and the plan-fact analysis;
- A possibility of reduction of a set-up time of the budget twice (from three to one and a half months);
- A possibility of reduction of terms of "closing" of reporting period to the 15th day of every month.
The main business objective of the project on automation is operational obtaining reliable information about activity of the company, for acceptance of management decisions and increase in efficiency of end users.
The Following Tasks Were Performed:
- Consultations on the choice of the software and options of its maintenance
- Sale of the selected software products
- Delivery of software products in office of the customer
- Software installation on the customer's computers
- Collecting and requirement analysis of the customer to an automated system
- Planning of stages of works, drawing up job schedule
- Creation of interfaces and sets of user rights
- Integration with other systems based on 1C: Enterprise
- Initial settings of standard/industry solution (program) to start accounting
- Input of opening balances / the help when entering opening balances
- Data transfer from the previous automation systems
- Individual training at office of the customer
- Training in group at office of the customer