Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Baltic Fuel Company (1C: Enterprise 8.0)

Customers: Baltic Fuel Company

St. Petersburg; Transport

Contractors: Dialog IT
Product: 1C: Enterprise 8.0

Project date: 2014/03
Number of licenses: 50


The Following Functions Were Automated:

  • Document flow (ECM)
  • Accounting of agreements
  • Accounting and document storage
  • Purchases (supply) and vendor relationship management
  • Settlement with suppliers
  • Order placement to suppliers
  • Purchase planning
  • Vendor relationship management
  • Supply chain management
  • Accounting of non-invoiced deliveries
  • Accounting of arrival of Inventories
  • Formation of the payment schedule to suppliers
  • Customer relationship management (CRM)
  • Personnel management and personnel records (HRM)
  • Analysis of personnel structure
  • Personnel records
  • Assessment and certification of personnel
  • Efficiency evaluation of service of personnel and analytical reporting
  • Planning of employee occupation: holidays and/or other actions
  • Personnel recruitment
  • Application of different motivational schemes
  • Payroll calculation
  • The regulated reporting
  • Time recording
  • Sales management, logistics and transport (SFM, WMS, TMS)
  • Sales (sale), service, marketing
  • Settlement with buyers
  • Wholesale
  • Order placement of buyers
  • Sales planning
  • Distribution center
  • Calculation of normative cost value of orders
  • Sales accounting of Inventories
  • Formation of the diagram of receipt of payments
  • Pricing, price lists
  • Warehouse and logistics
  • Complete set and disassembling of Inventories
  • Reservation of Inventories
  • Management of an order warehouse
  • Management of warehouse stocks
  • Accounting of Inventories in shop storerooms
  • Finance, management accounting, monitoring of indicators
  • Data analysis and forecasting
  • Monitoring and analysis of key indicators of activity of the enterprise
  • Cash management (treasury)
  • Management accounting
  • Accounting is accounting, tax, budget, including the regulated reporting
  • Accounting
  • Bank and cash desk
  • Financial analysis

Work on the Adaptation of the Standard Solution

Adaptation of the accounting system under industry specifics of the company is made. The specifics of work in this industry consist in increased requirements to operational obtaining information on warehouse stocks of fuel in courts fuelers and land storages both by quantity, and on structure and quality of oil products.

A system should provide the operational and complete information:

  • about total revenue, by activities;
  • about a fuel status, both by quantity, and on structure and quality, in each accounting point of business process;
  • about a planned receipt and a funds expenditure, from calculations of a remaining balance of DS for every day;
  • about settlement with buyers;
  • about a status of approval of agreements in the company;
  • about working schedules on which employees are registered;
  • about regular arrangement for the specified date, taking into account all vacancies;
  • about payroll number of employees in different cuts;
  • about actually worked time employees for any month.

A system should allow:

  • To quickly enter a large number of data on fuel arrivals;
  • Fix results of incoming inspection of a fuel quality;
  • In details to consider fuel which is intended for transfer/transportation;
  • Make approval and the approval of contractual documentation on in advance configured routes electronically;
  • Create the register of payments per day for its further transfer to accounting;
  • Create specific printed forms of primary documents (including for the foreign organizations in English);
  • To automatically notify ranking officers on approach of certain events;
  • Store the scanned copies of legal documents in a binding to accounts of agreements;
  • Register orders on the movement of the personnel. Register orders on absences (Holidays. Business trips. Sick leave notes);
  • Load the actual sheets of a time recording provided by captains;
  • Exercise control on compliance of the sheets of a time recording received from captains, to the entered personnel orders;
  • Make calculation of managerial salary on monthly results.


  • Delivery and installation of the delivery of ITS to a workplace of the user is monthly performed
  • Works on updating of the platform and standard configurations, diagnostics of a status of information base, creation of archive copies are monthly performed
  • The Internet version of ITS and Internet services of ITS is used
  • Consultation on methodical questions of work with the program of 1C is performed
  • Consultation on technical issues of work with software products of 1C is performed
  • Preferential support of 1C:ITS is issued (for the first 3/6 months since the beginning of operation of 1C: Enterprise of PROF version)
  • At the request of the user the selection of consulting and methodical materials from an information system of the ITS PROF is performed
  • Setup and check of access to the Internet version of ITS and to Internet services "Ask a Question to the Line of Consultations of 1C", "Ask a Question to the Auditor" is made
  • Setup and check of access to the website of user support is made
  • Individual or group training to work with an information system of ITS is made
  • Monthly acquaintance of users with new materials of the ITS PROF is made
  • Updating of the platform and the standard configurations "1C: Enterprise", diagnostics of a status of information base, creation of archive copies is made


At a certain stage of the development, the Company felt need for the project of automation which was caused by the aspiration of the Company to receive the tool for further expansion and optimization of the activity and ordering of the increasing information stream.

Mission and project objective: Increase in effective management of the Company due to formalization of methodology and tools and also - the equipment of further development of the Company.

A number of factors served as the reasons for implementation of the accounting system, namely:

  • Separation of data and lack of the unified information system of management accounting;
  • Complexity with obtaining necessary data for acceptance of management decisions (the number of the days of delay of receivables, a planned receipt and a funds expenditure, amount of the oil products ordered from suppliers, and which are en route);
  • Lack of sufficient detailing of data, complexity with generalization and data analysis;
  • Not efficiency (irrelevance) of data (data were entered with considerable delay and did not reflect an operational situation in the enterprise);
  • Multiple data entry (data at first were entered on paper carrier by the staff of the enterprise on the mooring, and in Excel files at office were processed and killed then);
  • Delays in approval of agreements in departments in the company, lack of an opportunity to control process of approval of the agreement;
  • Double handwork, existence of excess actions in interaction of divisions of the company (sales department and dispatching service);
  • Need to calculate the profit of the company on all companies of holding with an exception of the internal turnovers;
  • A large amount of bases for data storage of personnel records without access to necessary reference books and qualifiers. Lack of necessary reports for the analysis;
  • Data storage of time keeping in Excel files, completely separately from base of personnel records and payroll calculation owing to what it was required to carry out double work and there were regularly errors by transfer of data in settlement department.

For achievement of effective objectives the project on implementation of the automated control system for the enterprise on the basis of the 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8 software product was initiated.

During the Project the following works are performed: a. Inspection of business processes is executed. Business processes of the Customer are formalized and recorded in the form of art works and text explanations to them and also - the main requirements to automation of the recorded business processes and reflection of the recorded business processes in an information system are formulated. According to the results of formalization of requirements to business process automation the configuration of the 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8 software product is selected. The architecture of future information system of the Customer taking into account the selected software product is defined. b. Modeling of the recorded business processes of the Customer in the standard software product "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" is executed. Detailed requirements to automation of the recorded business processes are formulated. The list of deviations of business processes of the Customer from standard opportunities of software "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" is made. c. The technical specifications on completion of a configuration of the Customer on the approved list of deviations of business processes of the Customer from standard opportunities of software "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" are developed. Implementation of requirements of these technical specifications was necessary for a passing possibility in the system of the recorded business processes and the most exact execution of the duties by the Customer's employees. d. Program adaptation of software "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" on the technical specifications approved by the Customer is implemented. e. The user instructions for work in the adapted software product are written, according to logic of distribution of duties of staff of the company. f. Training of employees of the Customer at jobs is provided, according to the user instructions. According to the results of the provided training of focus groups of the Customer, the list of additional requirements to functionality of the accounting system was created. Additional requirements to the accounting system were ranged according to importance for business and the most priority requirements were implemented prior to input of a system in trial operation. g. Loading of opening balances from the previous accounting systems in the new accounting system is implemented. The decision - to make loading of opening balances was made, using an intermediate data structure in the MS Excel format. The format of a data structure was previously approved by all Parties in the engineering design. At the same time, the Contractor loaded a part of data directly from the accounting system "1C: Payroll and the Personnel 7.7". h. Data exchange with the 1C: Payroll and Personnel 7.7 software product is implemented. i. Start of a system in trial operation At a stage of trial operation is executed were the additional requirements to a system which are not implemented prior to start of a system are implemented. In addition, differentiation of access rights of users to the accounting system according to functionality, approved the Parties available to users, was made. The contractor regularly carried out monitoring of correctness of data entry to an information system by specialists of the Customer and at identification of difficulties of data entry additional training of employees of the Customer at jobs was provided.

What gave system implementation "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8"? Credentials are entered into the system only once and become available to all interested persons. This effect can be considered at several levels:

  • For personnel of the company - the maximum elimination of duplication of information input and mismatch in work between separate services of the company.
  • For a managerial link of the company – the maximum opportunities of obtaining operational, perspective and retrospective information about a status of the enterprise that gives access to ample opportunities of the economic analysis and release of an essential amount of time for development of management decisions.
  • A possibility of end-to-end accounting of operational business activities of the enterprise that will allow to plan and predict further development of the enterprise at all levels;
  • Increase in transparency of accounting and independence of human factors. Data are controlled at several levels and discrepancies come to light very quickly;
  • Increase in level of responsibility of contractors and heads of divisions;

Other results of implementation:

  • Increase in skill level of contractors and heads of divisions in work with information systems;
  • Reliability augmentation and fault tolerances of a corporate information system, due to use of a modern technology platform of 1C;
  • Increase in efficiency of the main structural divisions of the enterprise due to gaining access to quickly updated information on material and cash flows at the enterprise;
  • Receiving a vendor relationship management system and buyers with ample opportunities of data analysis;
  • The document received at the stage "Modelling of Processes of Operational Accounting" is very useful to further maintenance of a system, introduction to a course of business of own developers and accomplishment of further adaptation of a system without breaking the business logic of accounting recorded in the document in a standard configuration of the software product;
  • The working group of the Customer owns necessary knowledge and skills for independently maintenance of a system. The complete documentation package describing methodological and technical aspects of its work is created.

The Following Tasks Were Performed:

  • Consultations on the choice of the software and options of its maintenance
  • Sale of the selected software products
  • Delivery of software products in office of the customer
  • Software installation on the customer's computers
  • Collecting and requirement analysis of the customer to an automated system
  • Planning of stages of works, drawing up job schedule
  • Methodical ensuring specific features of accounting and management in the automation system (the requirement to adaptation)
  • Creation of interfaces and sets of user rights
  • Technical implementation of specific features of accounting and management in the automation system (adaptation)
  • Integration with other systems based on 1C: Enterprise
  • Initial settings of standard/industry solution (program) to start accounting
  • Input of opening balances / the help when entering opening balances
  • Data transfer from the previous automation systems
  • Individual training at office of the customer
  • Training in group at office of the customer
  • Installation and setup of the DBMS server